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    SimOps 2024
    SSH Joint Sponsorship for IPCE
    IMSH 2024
    SSH Reference Manual
    SimOps 2022
    SimOps Delivers 2022
    Women in Leadership 2022
    SSH Best Practices Workshops
    IMSH Delivers
    SSH Accreditation Course
    SSH SimSeries Webinar: IMSH 2020
    SSH SimSeries Webinars
    SSH SimSeries Webinar:  IMSH 2019
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    Simulation Instructional Design
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    "Oh Baby": How to Create Multiple Peri-Mortem C-section Models on a Shoestring Budget
    $aving your $imulation Dollar: Evaluating M&S Investments
    010 - Accreditation Standards and Application Process
    010 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Christine Park, MD, FSSH
    010 - C-Suite Event
    010 - IMSH Reviewer Abstract and Training Session
    010 - Simulation Technology: Putting the Pieces Together through Innovation
    010 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop
    010: CHSE Reference Manual - Comp Access
    0182 - Expand Your Reach: Make Your Sim Center Work for You ( #0182)
    0190 - The Struggle Is Real: Technology Crisis Management in Simulations (#0190)
    0193 - Advanced Modular Manikin: The Next Generation (#0193)
    0199 - The Care and Feeding of your H-index and other Citation Metrics: It's not Just Impact Factor Anymore (#0199)
    020 - A Review of Core and Teaching Standards
    020 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Jenny Rudolph, PhD
    020 - LIVE: Video 101 for simulation
    020 - LIVE: Video 101 for simulation
    020 - Reviewer Training Webinar Course Proposals
    020 - Sepsis: An Alternate Format
    020 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - August Cohort
    020-1 - SSH Education Committee Focus Group (Part 1)
    020-2 - SSH Education Committee Focus Group (Part 2)
    0293 - Formal Training Programs: Build Simulationists from the Ground Up (#0293)
    030 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Mary Patterson, MD, MEd, FAAP, CPhys, FSSH
    030 - Lean Applications for Simulation
    030 - SSH Nursing Section Collaborative Meeting on Mentorship
    030 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - November Cohort
    0381 - Just-in-time Training: Simulation on Call (#0381)
    040 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Gabriel Reedy, PhD, CPsychol
    040 - Creating a High Fidelity Mechanically Ventilated Patient
    040 - Medical Errors, Human Factors, Preventive Measures
    040 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - February 2022 Cohort
    0446 - Telesimulation in Medical Education: Blazing a New Trail (#0446)
    0476 - Evaluation Made Simple: Checklists, Global Rating Scales, Milestones and Competencies (#0476)
    0492 - Behavioral Health Emergencies: Interdisciplinary Code Team Response (#0492)
    0495 - Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge (TC&TK) (#0495)
    0497 - Video Game Technology: Push the Boundaries to Improve Practice (#0497)
    050 - "Live: Moulage Mystique"
    050 - A Simulation Center's Impact on Decreasing Opioid Overdose Deaths
    050 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Paul Uhlig, MD, MPA
    050 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - March 2022 Cohort
    0534 - Contextual Leadership: How Role Influences Leadership Style (#0534)
    0552 - Accelerate a Process Improvement Project (#0552)
    0556 - Code Blue Kaizen + Simulation for Improved Code Blue Response (#0556)
    0594 - Develop Simulation Educators across a Large Hospital Organization (#0594)
    0595 - Emergency Medical Services (EMS): Incorporate Simulation into Your Curriculum (#0595)
    060 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Janice Palaganas, PhD, APRN, ANEF, FAAN, FSSH
    060 - Building a Better Scenario: Step-by-step Instructions to Creating Scenarios
    060 - Building a Better Scenario: Step-by-step Instructions to Creating Scenarios
    060 - Innovative Uses of Simulation in Pharmacy
    060 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - April 2022 Cohort
    0603 - Learner Self-assessment Part 2 (#0603)
    0619 - Learner Self-assessment Part 1 (#0619)
    0629 - Use Simulation to Explore Resilience: Innovations for Patient Safety (#0629)
    0633 - Determine Your ROI: Tips and Tools for Administrators (#0633)
    0640 - Navigate an Early Career in Simulation (#0640)
    0670 - Fix the Gaps: Corrective Action Plans for Root Cause Analyses (#0670)
    070 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Katie Walker, MBA, RN and Jenny Rudolph, PhD
    070 - Enhance Fidelity and Reduce Costs: Restore Supplies to Pre-Use State
    070 - Fundamentals to Building a Successful Policy and Procedure Manual
    070 - Fundamentals to Building a Successful Policy and Procedure Manual
    070 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - August 2022 Cohort
    0701 - Virtual Reality 101 for Clinical Education (#0701)
    0726 - Teach Mindfulness and Resilience for Improved Outcomes (#0726)
    080 - Create, Hire, and Train Your SOS Professionals
    080 - Guidelines for Simulation-Based Research in Healthcare
    080 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - September 2022 Cohort
    0815 - Begin Your Career in Simulation (#0815)
    0821 - Hard-Wire Simulation Into QI for Organizational Buy-In (#0821)
    0840 - SSH Annual Business Membership Meeting (SSH Members Only)
    0850 - Develop a Valuable Standardized Patient Manual (#0850)
    0858 - Healthcare Simulation in Asia — Report from the other end of the globe (#0858)
    0890 - Planning for ROI — Building Programmatic Impact into Simulation Program Development (#0890)
    090 - Making it Count: Using Simulation for Ebola Readiness
    090 - Promote Yourself: How to Go the Next Career Level When it Doesn't Exist
    090 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - October 2022 Cohort
    0935 - Teach Physical Exam Skills: New Technology for Improved Performance (#0935)
    0988 - Multidisciplinary Pediatric Emergency Curriculum: Think FAST (#0988)
    100 - Faculty Development
    100 - Interprofessional Simulations Including Pharmacy Learners
    100 - Opening Plenary Session: Chad Epps Lecture ft. Michael Bonner
    100 - Research for Dummies: How-to Guide (Podium Presentation) (#100)
    100 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - April 2023 Cohort
    1000 - Different Approaches to the Management of Sim Programs
    10023 - Leadership in Healthcare Simulation in 2015: An Exploration of Current Leadership Trends and Lessons Learned from Successful Innovators
    1003 - In Situ Simulation: Benefits and Challenges (#1003)
    10032 - The Impact of Simulation: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment
    10054 - Simulation Checklists and Cognitive Overload: A Pro and Con Debate
    1006 - Expand your Facility and Operations: Lessons Learned Along the Way (#1006)
    1010 - Improve Debriefing Skills Through Peer Observation and Feedback
    10100 - The Transformation of Healthcare: Using Simulation to Address the Nuances of Teamwork in Healthcare Teams
    1014 - Going DEEP: Guidelines for Building Simulation-based Team Assessment Tools
    1014 - Implement a Hospital-wide Central Venous Catheter (CVC) Training Program (#1014)
    1019 - Identifying Knowledge Gaps and How to Fill Them with Simulation (Podium Presentation) (#1019)
    1020 - Enhance Your Resume and CV - A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part II - Presented by the SOTS Section
    1030 - Central Line Course Creation Using a Needs Assessment Framework
    1040 - Reproductive Justice Simulation: Exploring Implicit Bias and Perinatal Health Outcomes
    1042 - Improving Operations: We Can Do Better! (Podium Presentation) (#1042)
    1047 - Assessment Using Technology-Enhanced Simulation: Validity Evidence and Research Methods
    105 - POM IV: A Capstone Course Utilizing Simulation to Prepare Medical Students for Internships - ADVANCED (Expert Panel) (#105)
    1050 - #MoreThanJustASimTech Leveraging Experience and Expertise for Excellence in Simulation Operations and Technology - Presented by the SOTS Section
    1052 - Optimizing the Performance of Simulation AV Production (SimOps) (#1052)
    1055-000039 - Update on Assessment Methodologies:  Evaluating Human Factors Skills
    1055-000107 - SIMPLIFIED GUIDE for Designing your Simulation Research Study
    1055-000129 - Delirium Training in the Skilled Nursing Facility
    1055-000134 - Partner with Community Agencies: Unfolding IPE Active Assailant Simulation
    1055-000138 - Watch a Doctor Get Sued: A Live Medico-legal Simulation
    1055-000151 - IPE to Target Opioid Addiction and Overdose
    1055-000185 - Public Health Issues: Simulation for Student Education
    1055-000237 - Systems Integration: How to Execute In Situ Simulation
    1055-000277 - Build Resilience with Simulation: Practical Approaches to a Better System
    1055-000282 - Simulation Impact on HCAHPS: An Interactive Panel Discussion
    1055-000297 - IPE Collaboration: Develop and Design a Longitudinal Curriculum
    1055-000357 - Multi-site, Multi-modality Program Accreditation
    1055-000402 - Curriculum Design Process for Simulation: A Panel Discussion
    1055-000413 - HRO & SIM: Does HRO fit Into the Curriculum?
    1055-000450 - DISABLED Combat Safety Culture Threats : Hubris, Hierarchy and Misrepresentation
    1055-000488 - Manage a Standardized Patient Program: Perspectives from Novices to Experts
    1055-000585 - SSH Presents: Accreditation Top Ten
    1055-000587 - SSH Presents: Exemplary Practices in SSH Accreditation
    1055-000591 - Navigate a Career in Simulation: An Interprofessional Perspective
    1055-000603 - SSH Presents: Best Practices in Validity: A Primer for Simulation-based Assessment
    1055-000616 - Are we Disaster Ready?  Christchurch Shootings Lessons Learned
    1055-000664 - Innovative Training Program with Global Impact: Be CERTAIN!
    1055-000701 - Suspension of Disbelief Among Nursing Students
    1055-000738 - Debrief Clinical Events: Sustainability, Systems Integration, and Controversies
    1055-000787 - Sim Tours to Maximize Exposure and Potential Revenue
    1055-000826 - Hospital-based In Situ with SPs: Work Side by Side
    1055-000829 - Advanced Care Transitions
    1055-000847 - Analysis of Technical, Operational, and Managerial Roles in Healthcare Simulation
    1055-000861 - Integrate EHR and Automated Medication Dispensing into Simulation-based Experiences
    1055-000897 - Disaster Day: Run a Disaster Drill in Your Center
    1055-000965 - Identify and Overcome Obstacles: The Sim Must Go On!
    1055-000971 - Escape Rooms: Break from Traditional IPE
    1055-001019 - Enhance IPE Through Technologies and Real-world Practices
    1055-001028 - Staffing for Simulation: The Simulation Teaching Unit (STU)
    1055-001061 - Controversies in VR Medical Education
    1055-001178 - Demystifying Artificial Intelligence
    1055-001282 - Gun Violence in the Workplace: Simulation Strategies
    1055-001291 - MAT Simulation: Enhancing Interprofessional Learner Readiness
    1055-001301 - SSH Presents: Maximize Engagement After IMSH: Tips and Tricks of SimConnect
    1055-001340 - Perfused Cadavers: Building a Program and Lessons Learned from two Training Hospitals' Experiences
    1060 - What's Next After Accreditation
    1063 - Academic Partnerships: Reach Out to New and Non-traditional Players (#1063)
    1070 - Preparing Successful Presentations: A Guide for Operations Specialists
    1080 - Rewiring Your Control: A Technical Look at Control Rooms
    1080 - ROI and Cost/Benefit Analysis: Evaluation of Simulation as an Organizational Solution (#1080)
    1090 - Centered Simulations: Finding the Balance between Dazzling Technology, Fidelity, Cost and Practicality
    1090-000126 - Speed Mentoring: A Networking Event with Leaders in Healthcare Simulation
    1090-000126 - Speed Mentoring: A Networking Event with Leaders in Healthcare Simulation
    1090-000139 - Operations Program Management: Stepping Out from Behind the Mirror
    1090-000139 - Operations Program Management: Stepping Out from Behind the Mirror
    1090-001146 - Resident Milestone Assessment: Evaluating Trainees Using Simulation Made Simple
    1090-001146 - Resident Milestone Assessment: Evaluating Trainees Using Simulation Made Simple
    1090-002177 - Sim Hacks!!
    1090-002177 - Sim Hacks!!
    1090-002294 - Web-Based Simulation vs. Manikin-Based Simulation. A Pilot Study
    1090-002294 - Web-Based Simulation vs. Manikin-Based Simulation. A Pilot Study
    1090-002332 - Scholarly Distribution of Simulation Content
    1090-002332 - Scholarly Distribution of Simulation Content
    1090-002342 - Debriefing Interprofessional Simulations in a Virtual Environment
    1090-002342 - Debriefing Interprofessional Simulations in a Virtual Environment
    1090-002352 - Using the Operations Standard to Guide the "New Normal"
    1090-002352 - Using the Operations Standard to Guide the "New Normal"
    1090-002404 - Validity of Assessment: Conceptual Framework and Evidence in Simulation Education
    1090-002404 - Validity of Assessment: Conceptual Framework and Evidence in Simulation Education
    1090-003444 - Cognition: Engagement to Expertise
    1090-003444 - Cognition: Engagement to Expertise
    1090-003474 - Accessible VR Design: Creating Immersive Educational Content With 360-Degree Video
    1090-003474 - Accessible VR Design: Creating Immersive Educational Content With 360-Degree Video
    1090-003484 - Budget Friendly Moulage: Low-cost Alternatives to Increase Realism
    1090-003484 - Budget Friendly Moulage: Low-cost Alternatives to Increase Realism
    1090-003523 - Lessons from the COVID-19 Epicenter: Opportunities and Challenges
    1090-003523 - Lessons from the COVID-19 Epicenter: Opportunities and Challenges
    1090-003533 - COVID-19: Rapid Deployment of In Situ Simulation for Caregiver Safety
    1090-003533 - COVID-19: Rapid Deployment of In Situ Simulation for Caregiver Safety
    1090-003537 - ADDIE and the Curriculum Design Process: A Panel Discussion
    1090-003537 - ADDIE and the Curriculum Design Process: A Panel Discussion
    1090-003539 - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) in Simulation during COVID-19
    1090-003539 - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) in Simulation during COVID-19
    1090-003600 - Opioid Stewardship: Integrating Simulation-Based Training with Operational Solutions
    1090-003600 - Opioid Stewardship: Integrating Simulation-Based Training with Operational Solutions
    1090-003641 - Think Like an Actor, Act Like an Educator
    1090-003641 - Think Like an Actor, Act Like an Educator
    1090-003657 - Reflection on Reflection: Improving Feedback & Debriefing Skills
    1090-003657 - Reflection on Reflection: Improving Feedback & Debriefing Skills
    1090-003660 - Bring Patients to Life Start a Standardized Patient Program
    1090-003660 - Bring Patients to Life Start a Standardized Patient Program
    1090-003674 - Gathering Validity Evidence for Simulation-Based Assessments
    1090-003674 - Gathering Validity Evidence for Simulation-Based Assessments
    1090-003715 - Modeling and Simulation for Patient Safety: COVID-19 Case Example
    1090-003715 - Modeling and Simulation for Patient Safety: COVID-19 Case Example
    1090-003721 - Recipe for Success: Building a Robust Mock Code Training Program
    1090-003721 - Recipe for Success: Building a Robust Mock Code Training Program
    1090-003791 - Research Operations M&M: Things Not to Take for Grant (ed)
    1090-003791 - Research Operations M&M: Things Not to Take for Grant (ed)
    1090-003862 - What I Would Really Like to Do is Direct!
    1090-003862 - What I Would Really Like to Do is Direct!
    1090-003873 - Checklist Approach to Simulation Problem Solving: Anticipate, Act, Amend
    1090-003873 - Checklist Approach to Simulation Problem Solving: Anticipate, Act, Amend
    1090-003970 - Capacity Analysis: Using a Simple Metric to Tell Your Story
    1090-003970 - Capacity Analysis: Using a Simple Metric to Tell Your Story
    1090-003983 - How to Develop an Effective Low-cost Just-In-Time Online Training
    1090-003983 - How to Develop an Effective Low-cost Just-In-Time Online Training
    1090-003988 - Teaching with VR and AR
    1090-003988 - Teaching with VR and AR
    1090-004003 - Learning 4.0: Easy to Use Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
    1090-004003 - Learning 4.0: Easy to Use Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
    1090-004031 - Not Just for COVID-19: Go Beyond with SimLEARN Virtual Academy
    1090-004031 - Not Just for COVID-19: Go Beyond with SimLEARN Virtual Academy
    1090-004054 - Plan for Success: Simulation Program Development and Sustainability
    1090-004054 - Plan for Success: Simulation Program Development and Sustainability
    1090-004060 - Help Learners Succeed: How to Identify Instructional Gaps
    1090-004060 - Help Learners Succeed: How to Identify Instructional Gaps
    1090-004071 - Tag Team Sim in a PreMed Bootcamp
    1090-004071 - Tag Team Sim in a PreMed Bootcamp
    1090-004080 - 3D Printing: Innovation and Design in Healthcare Simulation
    1090-004080 - 3D Printing: Innovation and Design in Healthcare Simulation
    1090-004099 - Operations Workshop on High Fidelity Ventilation Simulator Setup and Use
    1090-004099 - Operations Workshop on High Fidelity Ventilation Simulator Setup and Use
    1090-004118 - Leveraging Digital Platforms to Deliver Large-Scale Interprofessional Education
    1090-004118 - Leveraging Digital Platforms to Deliver Large-Scale Interprofessional Education
    1090-004144 - Implementation of an Interprofessional Faculty Development Program in Simulation
    1090-004144 - Implementation of an Interprofessional Faculty Development Program in Simulation
    1090-004146 - Creating Virtual Escape Room Simulation: Nursing Student Poverty Experience
    1090-004146 - Creating Virtual Escape Room Simulation: Nursing Student Poverty Experience
    1090-004176 - Staffing Capacity Analysis: Protect Your Team, Grow Your Center!
    1090-004176 - Staffing Capacity Analysis: Protect Your Team, Grow Your Center!
    1090-004203 - Setup 101: Creating Visual 'Quick Start Guides'
    1090-004203 - Setup 101: Creating Visual 'Quick Start Guides'
    1090-004221 - Managing Psychological Safety in Multi-Cultural Educational Settings
    1090-004221 - Managing Psychological Safety in Multi-Cultural Educational Settings
    1090-004267 - What Will It Take to Improve Patient Safety?
    1090-004267 - What Will It Take to Improve Patient Safety?
    1090-004270 - SIMPLIFIED GUIDE for Designing Your Simulation Research Study
    1090-004270 - SIMPLIFIED GUIDE for Designing Your Simulation Research Study
    1090-004287 - Optimizing Healthcare Provider Performance through Mental Skills Training
    1090-004287 - Optimizing Healthcare Provider Performance through Mental Skills Training
    1090-004296 - Should Healthcare Follow Aviation and Require Scheduled Periodic Testing?
    1090-004296 - Should Healthcare Follow Aviation and Require Scheduled Periodic Testing?
    1090-004300 - SimulationSpotlight: Illuminating You and Your Simulation Center through Social Media
    1090-004300 - SimulationSpotlight: Illuminating You and Your Simulation Center through Social Media
    1090-004324 - Journey of Expansion: Designing a New "to you" Simulation Space
    1090-004324 - Journey of Expansion: Designing a New "to you" Simulation Space
    1090-004329 - Making Low Cost Task Trainers
    1090-004329 - Making Low Cost Task Trainers
    1090-004340 - Making Low Cost Suction Trainers
    1090-004340 - Making Low Cost Suction Trainers
    1090-004391 - NP Program Simulation Use: Opportunities and Capacity Building
    1090-004391 - NP Program Simulation Use: Opportunities and Capacity Building
    1090-004426 - Workshop for Peer Reviewers: Simulation in Healthcare
    1090-004426 - Workshop for Peer Reviewers: Simulation in Healthcare
    1090-004427 - Research Speed Mentoring Event
    1090-004428 - Collaborating with Older Standardized Patients )SPs) in Simulation-based Learning
    1090-004428 - Collaborating with Older Standardized Patients )SPs) in Simulation-based Learning
    1099 - IPE: From the Simulation Lab to Clinical Practice (Expert Panel) (#1099)
    110 - Eureka! Securing a Patent for Your Invention
    110 - Monday Plenary Session: Lou Oberndorf Lecture on Innovation in Healthcare Simulation ft. Kindra Hall
    110 - Sepsis: An Alternate Format
    110 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - May 2023 Cohort
    1100 - Setup 101: Creating Visual 'Quick Start Guides'
    1102 - Strategies for Enhancing Established Simulation Centers - ADVANCED (Expert Panel) (#1102)
    1110 - Time Well Spent: Employing Data on How SOS Spend Work Time
    1117 - Building a Bridge to More Clinical Simulation-Part1: Planning (Expert Panel) (#1117)
    1120 - Effectiveness of Simulation Versus Didactic Video-Based Learning to Teach Advanced Lung Isolation Techniques
    1125 - The New Order of Thing": How Does it Happen? (#1125)
    1130 - Just-in-Time Training: Who, What, Why and How (Podium Presentation) (#1130)
    1130 - OSCEs in APP Education: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
    1140 - How to Successfully Submit your Next Big Idea, Completed Research Study, or FIRES Manuscript
    1144 - Simulation Curriculum for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows (Podium Presentation) (#1144)
    1150 - Mentorship Opportunities for Simulation Operations Professionals
    1159 - Operations 360: Running a Large-Scale Simulation Center (Expert Panel) (#1159)
    1160 - Effective Strategies for Convincing your Manager to Fund Repairs for your Patient Simulator Manikins
    1164 - Educate, Mobilize, Simulate: Simulation from the Inside Out (Podium Presentation) (#1664)
    1164 - Educate, Mobilize, Simulate: Simulation from the Inside Out (Podium Presentation) (#1664)
    1170 - Maintaining Peak Performance the Art of Simulation Center Equipment Maintenance - Sponsored by SOTS
    118 - Economic Evaluation Guidelines for Medical Simulation (Expert Panel) (#118)
    1180 - Design and Implementation of a Tabletop Simulation addressing Stigma and Opioid Use
    1181 - Assessment Doesn't Have to Be a Dirty Word
    1181 - Assessment Doesn't Have to Be a Dirty Word
    1182 - Simulation Scenario Development: A Team Endeavor (#1182)
    1189 - Standardized Patients: Save Time & Organize Your Actors More Effectively (#1189)
    119 - Integrating Simulation: The Manikin is Out of the Box (Podium Presentation) (#119)
    1190 - Optimizing Systems and Processes through Healthcare Simulation Models: A Panel Discussion
    120 - Building Bridges: Reflections on an Academic-Industry Collaboration in Developing Immersive Virtual Reality
    120 - Human Factors in Healthcare
    120 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - August 2023 Cohort
    120 - Use Simulation toReplace Much Needed, Lost Clinical Experiences due to COVID19: Strategies and Recommendations
    1200 - Control Room Champions: A Guide to Managing Difficult Conversations for Simulation Operation Specialists - Sponsored by SOTS
    1200 - Quality of Care Initiatives in Low-Resource Settings (East Africa, India, and Ghana) (#1200)
    1203 - Maximize All-staff Orientation (#1203)
    1210 - Development and Implementation of a Mobile Simulation Program — Sponsored by the SSH Directors Section
    1220 - The Efficacy of Prebriefing in Simulation
    1221 - How to Design a Simulation Curriculum for a Medical Specialty
    1228 - Behind the Two-Way Mirror (Podium Presentation) (#1228)
    1230 - Upcycle Equipment: A Cost-Effective Way to Breathe New Life into Simulation Training — Sponsored by SOTS
    1240 - The Power of Data for Operations and Leadership
    1250 - Pick the Right Tech for the Task: Introducing the TIMMI- Sponsored by the SSH Technology Committee
    1251 - Human Factor System Approaches to Improve Quality and Safety (#1251)
    1253 - SIM360 Creating Learner Experiences in Simulation from Student to Facilitator (Podium Presentation) (#1253)
    1257 - Building your Own AV Solutions on a Budget (SimOps) (#1257)
    1260 - Neurographica and its Potential in Simulation
    1260 - Performing a Needs Assessment: It All Starts Here
    1261 - Are Our Faculty Clinically Competent and How to Prove It (Podium Presentation) (#1261)
    1270 - Simulation Operations for Anesthesia - Educational and Operational Best Practices- SimSeries Webinar Sponsored by SOTS
    1273 - The Impact of Learning in a Simulated Environment on Clinical Performance
    1280 - Measure What Matters — An Overview of Simulation Program Capacity based on Effort
    1285 - Value-based� Simulation Will Be Critical in the Affordable Care Era
    1290 - Building an Effective Simulation Technician Training Program - SimSeries Webinar Sponsored by SOTS
    130 - Get Ready Simulationists: Implementing Guidelines for Distance Simulation Educators
    130 - Play Frankenstein Make the Most of Your Simulation Makerspace
    130 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: Helping to Keep our Providers Safe: How Simulation is Working on Strategies for Training and Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    130 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - September 2023 Cohort
    1300 - Eureka! Securing a Patent for Your Invention- Sponsored by SOTS
    1310 - Operating Room Communication: Using Simulation to Improve Performance
    1310 - Program Metrics for Accreditation - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#1310)
    1312 - A Specialized Training Program: Boot Camp (Podium Presentation) (#1312)
    1312 - A Specialized Training Program: Boot Camp (Podium Presentation) (#1312)
    1320 - Leveraging Simulation-Primed Inquiry for Socially Situated Research:Insights from an Innovation Research Program
    1330 - A Review of the Association Between Simulation Design and Cognitive Load in Novice Healthcare Professionals: Key Findings for Educators
    1336 - Connecting Accreditation Standards to Learning Outcomes Through Simulation-based Assessment (Podium Presentation) (#1336)
    1338 - Tools for Success: Structured Simulation and Debriefing (Podium Presentation) (#1338)
    1339 - Develop a Simulation Instructor Pathway: Moving Beyond Train the Trainer (Podium Presentation) (#1339)
    1340 - Beyond In-person Prebriefing: Using Engaging Technologies to Enhance Pre-simulation Preparation for Interprofessional Healthcare Learners
    1350 - Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes of Effective Simulation Instructors
    1360 - Building on a Budget: Creating Effective Low-Cost Task Trainers
    1363 - Coaching and Mentoring Educators in Debriefing through Experiential Learning (Podium Presentation) (#1363)
    137 - High Stakes Sedation Course: Lessons Learned.
    137 - Integrating High-Fidelity Medical Simulation into your Objective Structured Clinical Examination - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#137)
    1370 - #SimProfessional Panel: Unlocking Professional Growth for Simulation Operations and Technology Professionals- Sponsored by SOTS
    1380 - Innovations in Anatomical Modeling: From Medical Imaging to 3D Printing- Sponsored by SOTS
    13891 - Study Results: The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
    13891 - Study Results: The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
    1390 - Simulation: An Introduction into Motivating Designs
    13915 - Education Criteria to Guide, Improve and Sustain Faculty Development in Simulation
    13916 - STEP 4: Implementation. Sim Steps of Curriculum Design
    13917 - STEP 2: Goals Objectives. Sim Steps of Curriculum Design: Get SMART and Exceed Expectations
    13917 - STEP 2: Goals Objectives. Sim Steps of Curriculum Design: Get SMART and Exceed Expectations
    13919 - STEP 5: Evaluation. Sim Steps of Curriculum Design
    1393 - Conscious Leadership: Motivate Employee Behavior (#1393)
    140 - Modifying an Existing Simbaby Classic Airway for Use With a Tracheostomy
    140 - Simulations Save Lives! Major Reduction in Maternal and Newborn Deaths After Implementation of Safer Births Training
    140 - SSH SimSeries: SimOps: Improve Program Management: Grow Without the Pains
    140 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - October 2023 Cohort
    1400 - Use of Simulation for Pre-Implementation Process Design and Safety Evaluation of a New Clinical Care Model - Acute Hospital Care at Home
    1402 - CHSE Readiness Review Course (#1402)
    14029 - STEP 1: What's Your Problem? Problem Identification and Needs Assessment
    14029 - STEP 1: What's Your Problem? Problem Identification and Needs Assessment
    1404 - CHSOS Readiness Review Course (#1404)
    1407 - Improving Teamwork and Communication Through Experiential Learning (Expert Panel) (#1407)
    1410 - Enhancing Health Communication Through More Effective Safety Negotiations
    1414 - Convert Teaching and Assessment Materials Into Educational Scholarship Through MedEdPORTAL (#1414)
    1417 - Avoiding Statistical Methodology Errors - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#1417)
    1418 - Intermediate Level: Quantitative Research Methodology Study Design Review - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#1418)
    1420 - Introduction to the New to Simulation Affinity Group
    14252 - STEP 3: Educational Strategy
    1428 - Introduction to Qualitative Study Design (Podium Presentation) (#1428)
    1430: The Priority of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare Simulation
    1440 - Evaluating Simulation Operations, Presented by SOTS
    1450 - Using Neurographica for Simulation: Prebrief and Debrief Techniques
    146 - From 500 to 5000 Square Feet of Simulation Space,�
    1460 - Virtual Reality in Action: Advancing Healthcare Education and Innovative Learning
    1468 - Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice - When and How
    1468 - Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice - When and How
    1470 - AV for Sim Techs and Novices (SimOps) (#1470)
    1470 - Decoding the Position of a Simulation Operations Professional, A Panel Discussion Presented by SOTS
    1480 - The Pursuit of Excellence; SSH Accreditation, Understanding the Process
    1481 - Certification Town Hall (#1481)
    1482 - Terminology and Concepts Town Hall (#1482)
    1483 - CHSE-A Portfolio Development - ADVANCED (Workshop) (#1483)
    1486 - Theoretical Frameworks in Simulation Research (Expert Panel) (#1486)
    1490 - Leveraging In Situ Simulation for Emergency Medical Services
    150 - SSH SimSeries: COIVD-19 Utilizing Zoom for Remote Simulation Education Presented by the SOTS Section
    150 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - March 2024 Cohort
    150 - Tuesday Plenary Session: Michael S. Gordon Center Lecture on Medical Education ft. Duncan Wardle
    151 - Principles of High Volume Simulation Training in a Statewide Consortium
    1520 - The State of Medical Simulation Standards: Educational and Technological (#1520)
    153 - Playing Frankenstein: Make Artificial Tissue Come to Life!
    1545 - Curriculum Development Step 1: Problem Identification (Podium Presentation) (#1545)
    1545 - Curriculum Development Step 1: Problem Identification (Podium Presentation) (#1545)
    1550 - Curriculum Development Step 4: Implementation (Podium Presentation) (#1550)
    1551 - Curriculum Development Step 5: Evaluation (Podium Presentation) (#1551)
    1552 - Implementing Simultaneous Multi-patient Simulations
    1553 - Curriculum Development Step 3: Educational Strategy (Podium Presentation) (#1553)
    15753 - Medical Simulation in Low Resource Settings (#15753)
    15753 - Medical Simulation in Low Resource Settings (#15753)
    15775 - Sim on the Move: Capturing and Live Streaming Mobile Simulation (#15775)
    15775 - Sim on the Move: Capturing and Live Streaming Mobile Simulation (#15775)
    15776 - Tablet Technology: Enhancing the Simulation Experience (#15776)
    15776 - Tablet Technology: Enhancing the Simulation Experience (#15776)
    1587 - Closing Keynote Address: Where Do We Go From Here?
    1589 - Welcome! 2014: The Year of Sim Ops and Opening Keynote. Making Connections through Sim Ops Technology
    1590 - Sim Ops Panel: Building Innovation through Collaboration (#1590)
    1591 - Sim Ops Panel: Putting Process in Place (#1591)
    160 - From the Control Room to the Board Room - A Pathway for the Simulation Operations Specialist Part 1
    160 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond in New York City Presented by the SOTS Section
    160 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - April 2024 Cohort
    1601 - $aving your $imulation Dollar: Evaluating M&S Investments
    16013 - Competency-Based Education, Milestones and Simulation (#16013)
    16013 - Competency-Based Education, Milestones and Simulation (#16013)
    16086 - Hospital-Based Simulation: Making Systems Safer (#16086)
    16086 - Hospital-Based Simulation: Making Systems Safer (#16086)
    16133 - Assessment Methodologies: Validation, Simulation and Accreditation (#16133)
    16133 - Assessment Methodologies: Validation, Simulation and Accreditation (#16133)
    16147 - Develop an Interprofessional Faculty Development Series (#16147)
    16147 - Develop an Interprofessional Faculty Development Series (#16147)
    16152 - Engage Passive Minds! (#16152)
    1617 - Integrating Simulation Into Electronic Healthcare Record Training
    16262 - Create a Faculty Development Plan: Tiered Approach (#16262)
    16262 - Create a Faculty Development Plan: Tiered Approach (#16262)
    16321 - Pro-Con Debate: Tech or no Tech? Who Should Run Simulation Scenarios? (#16321)
    16334 - Pro-Con Debate: Death of the Simulator? Benefits and Consequences (#16334)
    16334 - Pro-Con Debate: Death of the Simulator? Benefits and Consequences (#16334)
    16345 - Allied Health, IPE and Providers: Culture, Commitment and Curriculum (#16345)
    16345 - Allied Health, IPE and Providers: Culture, Commitment and Curriculum (#16345)
    16361 - Faculty Development: A Three Level Guide for Initiating, Developing and Tracking Your Centers' Educators (#16361)
    16361 - Faculty Development: A Three Level Guide for Initiating, Developing and Tracking Your Centers' Educators (#16361)
    16515 - Create a Culture of Excellence: Eradicating Silos School Wide (#16515)
    16565 - Theory and Simulation-Based Education: Definitions, Values and Applications (#16565)
    16565 - Theory and Simulation-Based Education: Definitions, Values and Applications (#16565)
    16566 - Role of a Malpractice Insurance Company in Promoting Simulation (#16566)
    16577 - Defining Clinical Competencies Using Simulation: A Nursing Exemplar (#16577)
    16577 - Defining Clinical Competencies Using Simulation: A Nursing Exemplar (#16577)
    16588 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Leaders (#16588)
    16588 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Leaders (#16588)
    16611 - Creative Faculty Development: One Size Does Not Fit All (#16611)
    16611 - Creative Faculty Development: One Size Does Not Fit All (#16611)
    16623 - Target Distance Learners: Experiential Learning with an Interprofessional Team (#16623)
    16623 - Target Distance Learners: Experiential Learning with an Interprofessional Team (#16623)
    16627 - Leadership in Context (#16627)
    16627 - Leadership in Context (#16627)
    16664 - Development of the Feedback Assessment for Clinical Education (#16664)
    16664 - Development of the Feedback Assessment for Clinical Education (#16664)
    16679 - Create Your Own Video: Film, Produce, Edit and Render (#16679)
    16711 - Streamline a Simulation Lab Setup: How We Saved Time and Tons of Money (#16711)
    16757 - Handle Wrongs the Right Way: Focus On Error Disclosure (#16757)
    1679 - Training SimulatedStandardized Patients in Verbal Feedback (Podium Presentation) (#1679)
    16804 - Create a Multiple Patient Simulation Scenario (#16804)
    16804 - Create a Multiple Patient Simulation Scenario (#16804)
    1681 - SSH Accreditation Top 10! - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#1681)
    1682 - SSH Accreditation Expert Panel (#1682)
    1683 - SSH Provisional Accreditation: What You Need to Know! (#1683)
    1689 - Curriculum Development Step 2: Goals and Objectives (Podium Presentation) (#1689)
    170 - From the Control Room to the Board Room - A Pathway for the Simulation Operations Specialist Part 2
    170 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19: Tools and Strategies for Moving Live Delivery Formats to Remote Learning
    170 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - May 2024 Cohort
    17041 - Lead Change: Substitute Simulation for Clinical in Nursing Education (#17041)
    17041 - Lead Change: Substitute Simulation for Clinical in Nursing Education (#17041)
    17099 - Simulation and Resilience: Tackle Patient Safety in a Different Way (#17099)
    17099 - Simulation and Resilience: Tackle Patient Safety in a Different Way (#17099)
    17284 - Mastery Learning and Deliberate Practice Targets: Strategic Decisions Based on Goals and Resources (#17284)
    17284 - Mastery Learning and Deliberate Practice Targets: Strategic Decisions Based on Goals and Resources (#17284)
    17325 - New Directions for Debriefing: A Socio Cognitive Perspective (#17325)
    17325 - New Directions for Debriefing: A Socio Cognitive Perspective (#17325)
    17335 - How Does Your DATA Stack Up? Initial Discussion with the Simulation Benchmarking Committee (#17335)
    17335 - How Does Your DATA Stack Up? Initial Discussion with the Simulation Benchmarking Committee (#17335)
    17369 - In-Situ Simulation: Tool for Diagnosis and Management of Latent Error (#17369)
    17380 - Transforming Healthcare: Address the Nuances of Teamwork (#17380)
    17380 - Transforming Healthcare: Address the Nuances of Teamwork (#17380)
    17393 - Simulation Fellowships: To Infinity and Beyond (#17393)
    17443 - Connect Educational Standards to Learning Outcomes through Simulation-Based Assessment (#17443)
    17443 - Connect Educational Standards to Learning Outcomes through Simulation-Based Assessment (#17443)
    17456 - Ooops! Now What? Make the Best of Technical Difficulties (#17456)
    17456 - Ooops! Now What? Make the Best of Technical Difficulties (#17456)
    17492 - Assess, Select and Train Your Resuscitation Teams (#17492)
    17582 - Develop a Comprehensive, Custom Simulation Center Management System (#17582)
    17582 - Develop a Comprehensive, Custom Simulation Center Management System (#17582)
    17664 - Justify the Cost: Prove Your Sim Center Has What It Takes (#17664)
    17664 - Justify the Cost: Prove Your Sim Center Has What It Takes (#17664)
    17699 - Simulation Boot Camp: Planning for Success (#17699)
    17699 - Simulation Boot Camp: Planning for Success (#17699)
    17705 - Introduction to Educational Validity (#17705)
    17705 - Introduction to Educational Validity (#17705)
    1775 - Defining Your Simulation Technician
    1775 - Defining Your Simulation Technician
    17767 - Sixth Annual Simulation Journal Club (#17767)
    1780 - Seeking Financial Sustainability in Healthcare Simulation
    17828 - Leadership in Healthcare Simulation in 2016: Lessons Learned from Successful Innovators (#17828)
    17854 - Address Diagnostic Safety: Incorporate Simulation, Interprofessional Collaboration and Decision Support Tools (#17854)
    17854 - Address Diagnostic Safety: Incorporate Simulation, Interprofessional Collaboration and Decision Support Tools (#17854)
    17874 - Accreditation Top 10+ (#17874)
    17874 - Accreditation Top 10+ (#17874)
    17877 - Beneficence in Simulation: Integration of Ethics in Simulation Education (#17877)
    17877 - Beneficence in Simulation: Integration of Ethics in Simulation Education (#17877)
    179 - How Simulation Works: Learning Theory and Simulation
    179 - How Simulation Works: Learning Theory and Simulation
    17984 - Border Crossing: Developing a Simulation Program in a Large Hospital System (#17984)
    17991 - Interprofessional Education Courses and Curriculum Design (#17991)
    17991 - Interprofessional Education Courses and Curriculum Design (#17991)
    18 - Developing Sensitivity and Communication Skills Using SP's (Podium Presentation) (#18)
    180 - Dissemination in the 21st century: Opportunities and pitfalls
    180 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 How Modeling Can Help Fight Covid-19Presented by the SOTS Section
    180 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - August 2024 Cohort
    18002 - Enhance Faculty Development in Simulation (#18002)
    18002 - Enhance Faculty Development in Simulation (#18002)
    1819 - Top 5 Topics in Simulation: Utstein Report
    1823 - The Future of AV in Sim Center Operations (SimOps) (#1823)
    1830 - Simulated Interprofessional Education: What's All the Fuss About? - ADVANCED (Main Stage Presentation) (#1830)
    1846 - Scenarios: Pre-programmed vs. On-the-fly (Expert Panel) (SimOps) (#1846)
    18676 - Design and Implementation of a Mobile Simulation Program (#18676)
    18676 - Design and Implementation of a Mobile Simulation Program (#18676)
    190 - SSH Presents: Closing Plenary Session ft. Kim Becking
    190 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Creating, Managing and Cultivating Your Simulation Team in Virtual Space
    190 - Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - September 2024 Cohort
    192 - Team Training and Simulation Combo to Reinforce Communication
    195 - Using Simulation to Improve Infection Prevention Practices (Podium Presentation) (#196)
    19522 - INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation (SM) to Help Meet the NCSBN Simulation Guidelines (#19522)
    19522 - INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation (SM) to Help Meet the NCSBN Simulation Guidelines (#19522)
    200 - I.D.E.A. - How Mobile Obstetrical Simulation Became a Reality in Rural Iowa
    200 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Monday Open Forum Considerations for Converting Simulation Space to Clinical Space
    2019 - SSH IMSH Courses (Comp)
    2020 - SSH IMSH Courses (Comp)
    2021-5447 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Paul Phrampus, MD, FACEP, FSSH. Simulation: A Critical Infrastructure for Patient Well-Being, Quality and Safety
    2021-5448 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Christine Park, MD, FSSH
    2021-5449 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Jenny Rudolph, PhD
    2021-5450 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Mary Patterson, MD, MEd, FAAP, CPhys, FSSH
    2021-5451 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Gabriel Reedy, PhD, CPsychol
    2021-5452 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Paul Uhlig, MD, MPA
    2021-5453 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Janice Palaganas, PhD, APRN, ANEF, FAAN, FSSH
    2021-5454 - Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Katie Walker, MBA, RN and Jenny Rudolph, PhD
    2024 IMSH IPCE Allocation
    203 - Update on Assessment Methodologies for the Evaluation of Simulation (Expert Panel) (#203)
    203 - Update on Assessment Methodologies for the Evaluation of Simulation (Expert Panel) (#203)
    210 - Responding to Workplace Violence and Incivility: Using Simulation to Advocate for Culture Change
    210 - SSH SimSeries: SimOps: IMSH Prep for the SOS Webinar Presented by the SOTS Section
    21161 - High Stakes Summative Assessment to Determine Nursing Competency (#21161)
    21161 - High Stakes Summative Assessment to Determine Nursing Competency (#21161)
    21650 - Anytime, Anywhere! An Expert Panel on In-Situ Simulation (#21650)
    21852 - Pushed to the Limit: Behind the Scenes (#21888)
    21852 - Pushed to the Limit: Behind the Scenes (#21888)
    220 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Transition and Management of Sim Center Staff to Work from Home and or Limited Onsite Support
    221 - NLN High Stakes Assessment Project: Final Report
    224 - In-Situ: The Technical Perspective (Podium Presentation) (#224)
    228 - The Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Mobile Simulation Unit
    230 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Applications of Briefing and Debriefing to Workflow Adaptation and Psychological Support for Covid-19 Management
    232 - Tools for Assessment in Surgical Simulation
    23267 - Build it and They will Come .... Are you Ready? Moving into New Sim Space (#23267)
    23296 - Bridge the Communication Gap for Improved Patient Experience (#23296)
    23456 - Position Simulation as a Strategic Value-added Resource (#23456)
    23456 - Position Simulation as a Strategic Value-added Resource (#23456)
    23457 - Job Descriptions: Defining and Recruting the Sim Team (#23457)
    23457 - Job Descriptions: Defining and Recruting the Sim Team (#23457)
    23491 - Demonstrate Value: A Return on Investment (ROI) Model (#23491)
    23491 - Demonstrate Value: A Return on Investment (ROI) Model (#23491)
    23555 - Assessment Methodologies: Concepts and Newly Validated Tools (#23555)
    23555 - Assessment Methodologies: Concepts and Newly Validated Tools (#23555)
    23558 - Future Strategic Initiatives in Simulation: A Pro-Con Debate (#23558)
    23558 - Future Strategic Initiatives in Simulation: A Pro-Con Debate (#23558)
    23609 - Interprofessional Debriefing: A Tool for Recognition and Reflection (#23609)
    23609 - Interprofessional Debriefing: A Tool for Recognition and Reflection (#23609)
    238 - Teaching the Teacher to Teach (Podium Presentation) (#238)
    23823 - Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks: Maintain the Clinical Competency of Faculty (#23823)
    23823 - Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks: Maintain the Clinical Competency of Faculty (#23823)
    23841 - Telesimulation: New Applications in Healthcare Education (#23841)
    23841 - Telesimulation: New Applications in Healthcare Education (#23841)
    23909 - Complexities in Educational Research (#23909)
    23909 - Complexities in Educational Research (#23909)
    23961 - Navigating a Career in Simulation (#23961)
    23961 - Navigating a Career in Simulation (#23961)
    240 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 MORE Ideas and Resources for PPE Provider Training
    24160 - Pro-Con Debate: Simulator Use as a Summative Assessment Tool (#24160)
    24160 - Pro-Con Debate: Simulator Use as a Summative Assessment Tool (#24160)
    24164 - Learner Deception: What's More Important Protection or Realism? (#24164)
    24164 - Learner Deception: What's More Important Protection or Realism? (#24164)
    24189 - Big Data: Create Metrics that Drive Organizational Strategy (#24189)
    24189 - Big Data: Create Metrics that Drive Organizational Strategy (#24189)
    24300 - Connect to the Community: First Responders Mobile Program (#24300)
    24300 - Connect to the Community: First Responders Mobile Program (#24300)
    24316 - Onboard New Simulation Operations Specialists (#24316)
    24316 - Onboard New Simulation Operations Specialists (#24316)
    24339 - Faculty Orientation, Professional Development and Competency Assessment Using Simulation (#24339)
    24339 - Faculty Orientation, Professional Development and Competency Assessment Using Simulation (#24339)
    24357 - Sim Hacks! Be Crafty with Everyday Resources (#24357)
    24357 - Sim Hacks! Be Crafty with Everyday Resources (#24357)
    24366 - Latent Safety Threats: Systems for Mitigation Through Systems Integration (#24366)
    24366 - Latent Safety Threats: Systems for Mitigation Through Systems Integration (#24366)
    24508 - Learning Theory: Building a Model to Meet Educators' Needs (#24508)
    24508 - Learning Theory: Building a Model to Meet Educators' Needs (#24508)
    24549 - Psychological Safety: What it is and Why it Matters (#24549)
    24549 - Psychological Safety: What it is and Why it Matters (#24549)
    24560 - Faculty Development: How to Support the Heart of your Program (#24560)
    24560 - Faculty Development: How to Support the Heart of your Program (#24560)
    24795 - Using Simulation to Explore Resilience and Safety II (#24795)
    24795 - Using Simulation to Explore Resilience and Safety II (#24795)
    24844 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Educators (#24844)
    24844 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Educators (#24844)
    24894 - Give Critique Humbly, Accept Criticism Gratefully: From NASA to Healthcare (#24894)
    24894 - Give Critique Humbly, Accept Criticism Gratefully: From NASA to Healthcare (#24894)
    24966 - Create a Simulation Educator Pathway (#24966)
    24966 - Create a Simulation Educator Pathway (#24966)
    250 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Presented by the SOTS Section
    25046 - Enhancing Faculty Development in Simulation (#25046)
    25046 - Enhancing Faculty Development in Simulation (#25046)
    25099 - OSCE's in Dental Education: Treatment of the Patient or Disease? (#25099)
    25099 - OSCE's in Dental Education: Treatment of the Patient or Disease? (#25099)
    25116 - Successfully Bridge from Simulation Operator to Simulation Educator (#25116)
    25116 - Successfully Bridge from Simulation Operator to Simulation Educator (#25116)
    25171 - Build Strong Research Study Protocols (#25171)
    25171 - Build Strong Research Study Protocols (#25171)
    25201 - Fellowships in Simulation: Future Directions (#25201)
    25201 - Fellowships in Simulation: Future Directions (#25201)
    25225 - High Risk Cases for Emergency Providers (#25225)
    25225 - High Risk Cases for Emergency Providers (#25225)
    254 - A Living History of Sim Ops: Past, Current, and Future (SimOps) (#254)
    25515 - Milestones: Evaluate Trainees using Simulation (#25515)
    25515 - Milestones: Evaluate Trainees using Simulation (#25515)
    25519 - Research Study Design: Experimental versus Quasi-experimental (#25519)
    25519 - Research Study Design: Experimental versus Quasi-experimental (#25519)
    25578 - Tablet Technology: Enhance the Simulation Experience (#25578)
    25578 - Tablet Technology: Enhance the Simulation Experience (#25578)
    25669 - Theatre-style Simulation: Unfolding Case Study Scenarios (#25669)
    25669 - Theatre-style Simulation: Unfolding Case Study Scenarios (#25669)
    25702 - Education for Clinical Interprofessional Simulation Excellence Program (ECLIPSE) (#25702)
    25702 - Education for Clinical Interprofessional Simulation Excellence Program (ECLIPSE) (#25702)
    25813 - Writing objectives: The Heart of a Simulation Program (#25813) (Offered in Spanish)
    25813 - Writing objectives: The Heart of a Simulation Program (#25813) (Offered in Spanish)
    25882 - Manikin Connectivity Made Simple (#25882)
    25882 - Manikin Connectivity Made Simple (#25882)
    260 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: The Unlikely Story of Two Teams Merging while Onboarding a New Executive Director on Friday the 13th in a Pandemic! M Simulation at the University of Minnesota
    268 - Pair Up! Dyadic Skills Training in ADN and BSN Programs (Expert Panel) (#268)
    270 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Considerations for Evaluation in Simulation-based Learning
    273 - Connecting to Novices and Experts: Visualization of Scenario Complexity (Podium Presentation) (#273)
    275 - You're Getting on My Last Nerve: Researching Stress and Anxiety (Expert Panel) (#275)
    278 - Death of the Simulator: A Controversial Learning Tool (Expert Panel) (#278)
    280 - SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Simulation Vignettes Enhancing Critical Thinking in a Virtual Environment
    282 - Clinical Simulation Performance Assessment in Credentialing: Simulation's New Face?
    284 - Incorporating Creative Pre and Post Simulation Activities into Your Program
    285 - Lessons Learned: Facilitating In Situ and Center-based Interdisciplinary Simulation Programs (Expert Panel) (#285)
    286 - Get Connected: Empowerment through INACSL's Standards of Best Practice: Simulation (Podium Presentation) (#286)
    28607 - SSH Research Summit: Beyond our Boundaries, Day 1 (#28607)
    290 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
    292 - High Fidelity Provider Obstetric Simulations: The Utmost in Reality
    29772 - SSH Research Summit: Beyond our Boundaries, Day 2 (#29772)
    29794 - Physical Therapy Simulation (#29794)
    29794 - Physical Therapy Simulation (#29794)
    300 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Remote Sims Share your Successes and Challenges thus Far
    306 - Simulation and Telemedicine: Experiences with Distance Learning (Expert Panel) (#306)
    310 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 The Use of Simulation to Prepare and Improve Responses to Infectious Disease Outbreaks like COVID-19 Practical Tips and Resources from Norway, Denmark, and the UK
    320 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Remote/Distance/Virtual Simulation Keeping your EMS Education Program Going
    330 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
    331 - Are You Ready for the CHSE? (Workshop) (#331)
    335 - Simulation for Healthcare Education: Boon or Boondoggle?
    340 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting in Simulation
    340125 - IMSH 2014
    344 - Virtual Simulation: Development of a Multi-dimensional Indigenous Case Study (Podium Presentation) (#344)
    350 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
    350110 - IMSH 2015 Full Online Set
    355 - I Want Sim, but at What Cost? (Podium Presentation) (#355)
    360 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
    364 - Unravelling Interpersonal Style to Increase Team Performance - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#364)
    369 - Successful IPE Team Training Connecting Academia and Service (Expert Panel) (#369)
    370 - SSH SimSeries COVID-19 Opening Up and Returning Safely, A Three-step Approach
    380 - SSH SimSeries Covid-19: Clinical Debriefing in the Age of COVID-19
    38483 - Active Leadership SIMposium
    38522 - Simulation Driven Protocol Development: Practice Makes Pathway
    38524 - Scaling Up: Leveraging Simulation for State-wide Patient Safety
    38692 - Tales from the Field on Product Usability Testing: What, How, Why
    38806 - Does Simulation Ever Fail?
    38921 - Be the Ears That Can Hear: Difficult Debriefings Through the Lens of Listening Styles
    390 - SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: In-Situ COVID-19 Simulation: Operational considerations, just-in-time videos, and Code Blue Training
    39020 - Day in the Life: Hospital-based Simulation Director
    39022 - Watch a Doctor Get Sued: A Medicolegal Simulation
    39139 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Device Integration: Create Realistic Training to Advance Patient Safety
    39225 - Day in the Life: Academic-based Simulation Director
    39249 - Operational Convergence: A Framework for Streamlining Across Multiple Campuses for Enterprise Simulation
    39383 - Practice of Paying Attention
    39511 - Simulation-based Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice for the Operating Room: A Practical Guide
    39515 - Safety First: Keeping Standardized Patients Safe During Complex Simulations
    39527 - Healthcare Transformation Powered by Medical Simulation: Train Next Generation Clinicians to Serve 1.4 Billon People
    39706 - Developing an International Program for Simulation Instructors, a Networking Experience (Presented in Spanish)
    39712 - Free Volunteers vs. Costly Standardized Patients: Which is Best?
    39746 - Anesthesia OSCE Experience for the ABA Applied Exam
    3D Printing for Medical Simulation & Healthcare Education Getting Started at Any Budget
    400 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
    401 - Conceptual Frameworks Utilized in a Simulation Instructor Course (Podium Presentation) (#401)
    404 - Humor in Simulation Education (Podium Presentation) (#404)
    410 - SSH SimSeries: Rapid Prototyping Procedures and Practice with Simulation Lessons Learned Preparing for COVID 19
    41105 - Designing, Developing and Conducting an Effective Workshop
    412 - Simulation and Interprofessional Education: A Pecha Kucha Session (Expert Panel) (#412)
    415 - Overview of Operational Management Systems: Supplies, Scheduling, and Video (SimOps) (#415)
    420 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
    42452 - Hot Topics: Administration I
    42478 - Hot Topics: Community Outreach I
    42486 - Hot Topics: Critical Care I
    42488 - Hot Topics: Curriculum Development
    42489 - Hot Topics: Disaster Training II
    42491 - Hot Topics: Emergency Medicine & First Responders I
    42493 - Hot Topics: Emergency Medicine & First Responders II
    42495 - Hot Topics: Facility Design
    42497 - Hot Topics: Faculty Development
    42498 - Hot Topics: Faculty Development II
    42499 - Hot Topics: Fellowships
    42502 - Hot Topics: In Situ
    42504 - Hot Topics: Large Scale Simulation I
    42506 - Hot Topics: Leadership
    42507 - Hot Topics: Medical Students
    42508 - Hot Topics: Simulation & Modeling
    42509 - Hot Topics: Nursing I
    42511 - Hot Topics: OB/GYN & Pediatrics I
    42535 - Hot Topics: Systems Integration
    42537 - Hot Topics: Soft Skills I
    42608 - Funding Priorities for Government Agency Projects: Current Initiatives
    42640 - Hot Topics: Patient Safety I
    42642 - Hot Topics: Professional Development I
    42646 - Hot Topics: Ways to Maximize Your Sim Center I
    42648 - Hot Topics: Ways to Maximize Your Sim Center II
    427 - Letting the Mannequin Die: Can Learning Occur?
    42788 - Funding Priorities for Government Agency Projects: Future Initiatives
    42797 - Government Related Areas of Research Focus
    430 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 Keep Moving Your Scholarship Forward - An SSH Research Guide
    433 - Update on Assessment Methodologies for the Evaluation of Simulation
    436 - Building a Multiple-Patient Simulation Scenario (Podium Presentation) (#436)
    436 - Building a Multiple-Patient Simulation Scenario (Podium Presentation) (#436)
    440 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 The Use of Simulation to Develop and Test an Open Source Ventilator
    45 - Translational Outcomes of Simulation: Evidence of Improved Patient Care
    450 - SSH SimSeries SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
    452 - Consolidating Control: Increasing Workspace Efficiency and Flexibility
    455 - How Much Does or Should Simulation Change Education? (Debate) (#455)
    460 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
    464 - Utilizing Hardware and Software Tools to Improve Operations (SimOps) (#464)
    469 - Developing a Mobile Simulation Program for Community Providers:  From Start up to Sustainability
    470 - Making Connections: STEM and Simulation (Expert Panel) (#470)
    470 - SSH SimSeries: SimOps Video Production Basics for Simulation COVID-19 and Beyond
    480 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 Safely Moving a Simulation Center during Covid-19
    483 - Simulation: A Tool for Instruction Debriefing: A Method of Instruction - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#483)
    488 - Virtual Hospital vs. Simulation Center (Podium Presentation) (#488)
    490 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 From the University of Minnesota Flexible Operations Plan in the COVID-19 Response
    495 - Pediatric and Neonatal In-Situ Simulation: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation and Lessons Learned (Podium Presentation) (#495)
    500 - SSH Webinar Series: SOTS Covid-19 Round Table
    507 - 10 Things You Need to Do Before You Touch Your Simulator! (SimOps) (#507)
    510 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 Skills Training Retooled Guidelines for Training Learners at Home
    515 - Practising Communicating with SPs while Performing a Procedural (Technical) Skill (Podium Presentation) (#515)
    520 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 Teaching Skills to Medical Students on the Internet Lessons Learned from YouTube, Sesame Street and the Learners themselves
    524 - Faculty Development for Simulation: Finding the Best Strategy
    524 - Faculty Development for Simulation: Finding the Best Strategy
    530 - SSH Webinar Series: SOTS Covid-19 Round Table
    539 - Fellowship Programs In Simulation: Global Perspectives (Expert Panel) (#539)
    54 - Simulation for Everyone: Not Just RN's and MD's (Podium Presentation) (#54)
    540 - Creating a Simulated Pharmacy (SImOps) (#540)
    540 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19
    543 - Simulation-based Healthcare Team Leadership Training: Identifying Gaps and Opportunities (Expert Panel) (#543)
    545 - Multidisciplinary Collaboration: The Role of Organ Donation in Sim (Expert Panel) (#545)
    545 - Simulation Center Management Considerations
    545 - Simulation Center Management Considerations
    549 - Using Research to Improve Teaching in a Simulation Centre (Podium Presentation) (#549)
    550 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 - Teach Clinical Deterioration Response Transitioning to a Virtual Format
    554 - Building a Custom IP Audio/Video System (SimOps) (#554)
    554 - Building a Custom IP AudioVideo System (SimOps) (#554)
    557 - Growing Your Simulation Center in Today's Medical Economic Environment - ADVANCED (Expert Panel) (#557)
    560 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19- SOTS Open Forum
    570 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19
    572 - Video Games: Why Waste Good Technology on Science and Medicine? (Podium Presentation) (#572)
    572 - Video Games: Why Waste Good Technology on Science and Medicine? (Podium Presentation) (#572)
    576 - The Role of Communities of Practice in Simulation Courses (Expert Panel) (#576)
    580 - 8/24 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 -  Reimagining Simulation In the Age of COVID 19: UIC SAIL's Approach to Tele-simulation
    590 - 8/31 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19  Re-think, Reuse, & Re-purpose: Turn Supplies into Simulation Props & Equipment 
    600 - 9/14 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 SOTS Open Forum and Deconstructing "d"- OSCE Implementation during the Covid-19 Pandemic
    610 - 9/21 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
    620 - 9/28 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 How we used Zoom for Standardized Patient Assessment Events and Distance Education with High-fidelity Manikins 
    623 - Implementing the "Mega Sim" (Expert Panel) (#623)
    630 - 10/5 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Thinking Outside Simulation Labs and Simulators: Some Low-cost Solutions to Clinical Dilemmas  
    640 - 10/12 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 SOTS OPEN FORUM
    650 - 11/2 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Virtual Healthcare Experience A Way to Augment Clinical Practice
    660 - 11/23 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 What's Surface Tension Got to Do With it?
    668 - Identifying the Sim Tech Role: A Review of Survey Responses (SimOps) (#668)
    670 - 11/30 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Jumpstart your VR program
    680 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Distanced Training in Procedural Skills during COVID-19
    683 - Bridging the Gap between Educator and Technician (Expert Panel) (#683)
    690 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum SOTS Open Forum Making a Contribution to the Research Team as a Novice Simulation Operations Specialist
    700 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 - Panel on XR Simulation The Current State and Vision for the Future
    710 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 - Characteristics of Distance Healthcare Simulation (During COVID19) Results of an International Survey
    720 - Preparing Successful Presentations: A Guide for Operations Specialists — Presented by the SOTS Section
    730 - Psychological and Educational Effect of Simulated Patient Death on Learners — Presented by the Anesthesiology Section
    735 - Serious Game Development for Healthcare (Expert Panel) (#735)
    7381 - Assessment of ACGME Milestones Using Simulation: Multi-institutional Perspectives
    740 - Jumpstarting Your Simulation Career: Identifying Tools for Success - Presented by the SOTS Section
    744 - Using Human Factors to Optimize EHR Implementation (Podium Presentation) (#744)
    750 - Virtual Team Huddles for Within-Scenario Debriefing-Purposefully Guiding the Nursing Process
    760 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 COVID Vaccine Requirements in Clinical Placements
    762 - Financial Opportunities: Beyond the Simulation Center - ADVANCED (Podium Presentation) (#762)
    7646 - Death of the Simulator: Investigating the Benefits and Consequences of a Controversial Learning Tool
    7646 - Death of the Simulator: Investigating the Benefits and Consequences of a Controversial Learning Tool
    7680 - Research for 'Dummies': The Obstacles to Starting (and Finishing) a Research Project
    770 - Blaze Your Own Trail: How to Develop in Healthcare Operations
    773 - Strategies to Professional Advancement in Simulation (Workshop) (#773)
    774 - Integrating In-Situ Simulation into Quality Imrovement in Healthcare
    780 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum COVID Vaccine Requirements in Clinical Placements
    786 - Creating a Critical Mass of Simulation Educators
    7871 - Assessment Methodologies in Simulation: A Conceptual Introduction and Update on Newly Validated Tools
    7871 - Assessment Methodologies in Simulation: A Conceptual Introduction and Update on Newly Validated Tools
    7873 - What Is Simulation For, Really? Moving Medicine Towards High Reliability
    790 - Extended Reality —The Evolution of Anesthesia Training
    7906 - Planning a Successful Simulation From Start to Finish
    7929 - Assessing the Critical Thinking Skills of Newly Licensed Nurses Through Simulation
    7929 - Assessing the Critical Thinking Skills of Newly Licensed Nurses Through Simulation
    7935 - Simulation and Resilience: Tackling Patient Safety in a Different Way
    794 - HELP! I Just Inherited a Simulation Center
    794 - HELP! I Just Inherited a Simulation Center
    80 - Why Simulation Works (Podium Presentation) (#80)
    800 - Enhance Your Resume and CV- A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part I
    8075 - Enhancing Debrief Facilitation, Sponsored by Intelligent Video Solutions
    8076 - Strategies to Enhance Clinical Assessment & Skill Confidence
    810 - 3D Printing and its Impact in Medical Simulation
    812 - Improve Your Press Ganey with Simulation (Podium Presentation) (#812)
    81412 - Trauma-Informed Care in Nursing Curricula: Development of a Simulation-based Educational Framework to Guide Health Professions
    81430 - Implementation and Evaluation of a Novel Radiology Simulation Laboratory in Medical Education
    81451 - The impacts for educators who assume simulated patient roles
    81615 - Evaluation of a Novel 3D-Printed Task Trainer for the Simulation of Gynecological Procedures in a Medical Academic Center
    81660 - Learning from the Learners: How to use Course Evaluation Data to Drive Meaningful Change
    8199 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for the Simulation Educator
    820 - Enhance Your Resume and CV: A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part II
    82090 - Generative AI Images for Use in Patient Storytelling in Prebriefing for Simulation
    82093 - Designing a standardized approach to first five minutes training in outpatient primary and specialty care centers throughout a large pediatric healthcare system.
    82115 - Incompatible Opinions? The Thesis, Anti-Thesis, and Synthesis of Trainee Perspectives on Facilitators of Simulation Debriefing
    82211 - Usability Testing: In Your Shoes Online Empathy Training
    82438 - Utilizing SP Feedback Post-Scenario Surveys for Continuous Quality Improvement
    82449 - Simulation Facilitator Self Assessment Tool: An adapted self-assessment instrument to serve as both an incentive to motivate enrollment in a faculty development course and to conduct peer observations
    82470 - Developing dynamic leadership and followership in new paramedic team in 8 hours: an interprofessional and simulation-based approach
    82506 - Implement Telehealth Simulation in Undergraduate Nursing Education
    8253 - Creating Competence in Simulation Educators
    8253 - Creating Competence in Simulation Educators
    82547 - Getting Started in Translational Simulation
    82707 - Enhance Your Simulation Evaluation Efforts Using the Retrospective Pretest Posttest
    82752 - The Lived Experiences of Faculty Conducting Post Simulation Debriefing in Nurse Practitioner Programs
    8279 - Debriefing Practices in the United States: Results of a National Survey
    82804 - Addressing Professional Development Across a State-Wide Education Consortium
    82885 - Applying Project Management Principles to Simulations Operations
    82929 - Utilizing Simulation for Usability Testing of the NEAR4PEM Pre-Intubation Checklist
    830 - #MoreThanJustASimTech Panel - Presented by the SOTS Section
    83074 - Encompassing holistic person-centered palliative care: An Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
    8311 - Developing a Simulator Innovation Program: Considerations for Design, Implementation and Collaboration
    83191 - Comparison of Cardiac Auscultation Education for Third-Year Medical Students Using Multimodal Trainers
    83198 - ChatMD: A Novel Artificial Intelligence Chatbot to Simulate Code Status Discussions
    8320 - Healthcare Simulation Assessment Tool Selection Template: A Field Guide to Meeting Your Curricular and Institutional Needs
    83349 - Building a Simulation Educator Professional Development Program
    83359 - Using Simulation to Train for Resolving Crisis & Conflict
    83371 - One method to determine how to credit nursing simulation faculty in an academic simulation center
    83621 - Practice of Medical Interns on Clinical Handover with Artificial Intelligence: A Reliability Analysis
    83702 - Virtual Case-Based Learning: New Strategy for Humanized Digital Medical Education and Training
    838 - Assessing Competence with Simulation (Podium Presentation) (#838)
    838 - Assessing Competence with Simulation (Podium Presentation) (#838)
    83837 - Techniques for applying Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) frameworks to the learning design of medical simulations
    83849 - Waiting Room Overcrowding Risks and Safety Threats (WORST): An Interprofessional In Situ Simulation Quality Improvement Program
    83852 - Evidence-Based Symptom Management Telehealth Simulation-Based Experiences in an Oncology Nursing Seminar: A Pilot Study
    83994 - Evaluating Regional Differences in Simulation Performance across a Statewide Medical Campus System
    840 - Circle Up: Transformative Learning and Support Routines for Everyday Teams
    84190 - The Impact of Therapeutic Communication Scenarios with Standardized Patients on Baccalaureate Nursing Students' Communication Knowledge and Skill
    84286 - Better Together: Lessons learned merging into a shared simulation service model
    843 - The Creation and Implementation of Interprofessional Simulation Leadership Scenarios (Podium Presentation) (#843)
    84324 - Multiple Patient Simulation: Logistics and Lessons Learned for Success
    84398 - Work-up and Counseling of First-of-Lifetime Seizure: A Simulation-based Educational Tool and Embedded Learning Results
    844 - Time out! Should You Ever Stop a Simulation?
    844 - Time Out! Should You Ever Stop a Simulation?
    84497 - Expecting the Unexpected: Developing Educator Strategies to Respond to Learner Curveballs During Course Delivery
    84522 - Creating an Innovative Simulation Space: Moving to the World of Possibilities
    8497 - Creating a Faculty Development Plan: A Tiered Approach
    850 - Advancing New Construction Environmental and Patient Safety Through Systems-Focused Testing
    8500 - Building A High Efficiency High Fidelity Simulation Center Model
    8500 - Building A High Efficiency High Fidelity Simulation Center Model
    8519 - Certification Town Hall
    853 - Simulation and EMS Research (Podium Presentation) (#853)
    8530 - Accreditation Top 10 (+)
    8554 - Selecting Mastery Learning and Deliberate Practice Targets in a Curriculum: Making Strategic Decisions Based on Goals and Resources
    8586 - Positions at a Simulation Center: What Exactly Do I Need and Who can Fill that Role?
    859 - Observers in Simulation: Social Learning Theory in Action (Podium Presentation) (#859)
    860 - Simulation Medical Concepts Made Easy, A Jeopardy Game - Presented by the SOTS Section
    869 - When and How: Quantitative and Qualitative Simulation-based Research
    870 - Create a Custom Mobile App for Your Center with No-code
    872 - Establishing Credible Practice Guidelines for Simulation-Based Medicine (Expert Panel) (#872)
    8737 - Measuring the Impact and ROI of Healthcare Simulation Programs
    8745 - Interprofessional Educational Courses and Curriculum Design
    8779 - Boot Camp as a Means to Address Learner and Institutional Needs
    880 - Using Simulation to Safely Provide Care During a Pandemic
    880 - Working with Industry to Create the Tools that YOU Need (Podium Presentation) (#880)
    8815 - A/V 101 for Simulation
    8815 - AV 101 for Simulation
    883 - Adding Providers and Techniques to a Code Team (Podium Presentation) (#883)
    8840 - Code Team Training: Mission Impossible
    8840 - Code Team Training: Mission Impossible
    8854 - More than Simulation: Interprofessional Education within a Health Sciences Center
    886 - What Docs Can Learn from Jocks (Expert Panel) (#886)
    886 - What Docs Can Learn from Jocks (Expert Panel) (#886)
    890 - Simulation-Based Teaching to Improve Care for Transgender Patients
    9 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Educators
    9 - Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Educators
    900 - Preparing Successful Presentations A Guide for Operations Specialists - Presented by the SOTS Section
    901 - Building Fee Structures for Hospital-Based Programs (Expert Panel) (#901)
    9012 - Nuts and Bolts for Building Your Simulation Program
    9013 - Growing a Hospital-based Simulation Program
    9014 - Writing Scenarios for Interprofessional Teams: Making it Work No Matter What
    9014 - Writing Scenarios for Interprofessional Teams: Making it Work No Matter What
    910 - Re-Design: Ensuring Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Your Simulation Scenarios
    9140 - The Future of Hospital-based Simulation
    919 - AV Technology of Today's Simulation Centers (SimOps) (#919)
    920 - Can Simulation Be Used To Reduce Burnout? An Exploratory Workshop
    920 - Improving Operations with Your Own Technology (SimOps) (#920)
    9203 - Interprofessional Team Simulations: A Pilot of Lunchtime Simulations for Health Professions Students
    921 - Assessment Doesn't Have to Be a Dirty Word (Podium Presentation) (#921)
    921 - Assessment Doesn't Have to Be a Dirty Word (Podium Presentation) (#921)
    930 - Silver Lining of the Pandemic - Adapting Pediatric Simulation to the COVID Era
    9329 - Good Sim Gone Bad: How to Spot and Recover from Unforeseen Mistakes
    9352 - Metrics and Outcome Measures for Accreditation
    940 - Troubleshoot This! Effective Troubleshooting Methods for Simulation Operators-Webinar Presented by the SOTS Section
    9423 - Risk Mitigation through Simulation
    9439 - A Hospital-based Volunteer SP Program: How We Saved > $20,000 Per Year
    9439 - A Hospital-based Volunteer SP Program: How We Saved > $20,000 Per Year
    950 - Does My Personal Protective Equipment Really Work? A Simulation-Based Approach
    9541 - Connecting Educational Standards to Learning Outcomes Through Simulation-based Assessment
    9549 - Planning the Future: Strategies for Faculty Development and Engagement
    960 - Use of Haptics in Virtual Reality, a Virtual Panel Discussion - Webinar Presented by the SGVE Section
    9610 - Developing a Simulation Educator Pathway Moving Beyond Train the Trainer
    964 - To Market, To Market We Go (Podium Presentation) (#964)
    970 - The WHY Behind Clinically Accurate Simulation Setup and How to Accomplish It with common Lines, Tubes, and Vital Sign Monitors - Webinar Presented by the SOTS Section
    9731 - Introduction to Serious Games
    9744 - A Competency-driven Approach to Selecting and Designing Mixed Modality Simulation Experiences
    977 - Organizing the Chaos: Utilizing Standardized Forms (SimOps) (#977)
    9781 - Building a Faculty Development Program: Planning and Implementation
    9781 - Building a Faculty Development Program: Planning and Implementation
    9789 - Mental Health Simulation: Thinking Differently About Human Factors
    98 - Making Interprofessional Simulation Education Work
    980 - Mitigating Micro-Aggressive Attitude and Behavior in the Interprofessional Environment
    9849 - Simulation Infrastructure Design Guidelines
    988 - Creating Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Program (SimOps) (#988)
    990 - Alternative Methods of Teaching
    9998 - In-situ Simulation: A Tool for Diagnosis and Management of Latent Error
    A Limitless Content and Scenario Editor
    ACC-010 - Accreditation Standards and Application Process
    ACC-020 - A Review of Core and Teaching Standards
    ACC-030 - A Review of Assessment and Research Standards
    ACC-040 - A Review of Provisional Standards and Application Process
    ACC-050 - A Review of Systems Integration
    Accreditation, Certification, and the OS
    Anatomy and Interventions for the Simulation Operations Specialist (SOS)
    Art of Making Low Cost Task Trainers
    Art of Making Low Cost Task Trainers
    Art of Making Low Cost Task Trainers
    Assessment Doesn't Have to Be a Dirty Word
    Assessment Using Technology-Enhanced Simulation: Validity Evidence and Research Methods
    Back to Basics: A Beginners Introduction to Moulage
    Back to Basics: A Beginners Introduction to Moulage
    Back to Basics: A Beginners Introduction to Moulage
    Bridging Interprofessional Boundaries: Making Sim Design, Ourselves, and Our Organizations Better
    Brief Introduction to Mindfulness in Simulation
    Building a better scenario: Step-by-step instructions to creating scenarios while also meeting SIH accreditation goals
    Building a Trach Vest on the Cheap
    Building Moulage Prosthetics for Repeatability and Ease of Use
    Certification Town Hall
    Clinical Simulation Performance Assessment in Credentialing: Simulation's New Face?
    Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for Simulation Educators
    Complexities of Scheduling: How to Fit All the Puzzle Pieces Together
    Consolidating Control: Increasing Workspace Efficiency and Flexibility
    Conversational Avatars: An Effective Way to Use Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
    Convert Real Objects Into Digital Models for 3D Printing Using Photogrammetry
    Crafting Your Brand: Mastering Marketing Strategies for Your Healthcare Simulation Program
    Create a Self-Guided Tour of Your Simulation Center
    Creating a Critical Mass of Simulation Educators
    Creating a High Fidelity Mechanically Ventilated Patient
    Creating a Mobile Simulation Lab and In-Situ Debriefing System on a Budget
    Creating Sim-Portant Conversations at SDState
    Cultivating Consistency: Enhancing Simulation Debriefing Practices in Nursing Education Through a Standardized Script and Best Practices Approach
    Dear Simulation Operations Specialist (SOS), You Saved My Life: How to Improve Safety and Efficiency in Your Insitu Simulations
    Defining Your Simulation Technician
    Design and Benefit of a Return on Investment Journey
    Designing Functional 3D Printed Objects For Simulation
    DIY Task Trainers and Moulage
    Effort Alone Won't Avoid Training Scars
    Essential Healthcare Concepts for IMPACT on Realism in Simulation Setup
    Ethical and Practical Use of ChatGPT for Simulation Educator
    Faculty Development for Simulation: Finding the Best Strategy
    Faculty Development Symposium on the Utilization of Simulation in Clinical Reasoning Teaching and Assessment for Undergraduate Medical Curricula
    Fostering Internal and External Collaboration in Simulation: Supporting large-scale simulations
    From 500 to 5000 Square Feet of Simulation Space
    From Battlefield to Bay Area: Bridging Realms in Healthcare Simulation
    Fundamentals to Building a Successful Policy and Procedure Manual
    Get Connected: Where to Start for Enterprise Network Integration
    Getting from Here to There - Creating a Professional Development Plan for Operations Specialists
    Going DEEP: Guidelines for Building Simulation-based Team Assessment Tools
    Guidelines for Simulation-Based Research in Healthcare
    Help Me, to Help You: The Psychology of Persuasion: 6 Principles of Influence to Improve Interpersonal Relations
    Help Me, to Help You: The Psychology of Persuasion: 6 Principles of Influence to Improve Interpersonal Relations
    HELP! I Just Inherited a Simulation Center
    Hi-Fi Isn't Always Right! Exploring Simulation Modalities.
    High Fidelity Provider Obstetric Simulations: The Utmost in Reality
    High Stakes Sedation Course: Lessons Learned.
    How Simulation Works: Learning Theory and Simulation
    How to Design a Simulation Curriculum for a Medical Specialty
    I'm Clear! You're Clear! Everyone is Clear for Cardiac Electrical Therapy
    Implementing Simultaneous Multi-patient Simulations
    Implementing Telehealth Workflows at Scale
    IMSH 2013 Conference Set
    IMSH 2016 Full Online Set
    IMSH 2017 - Full Set
    IMSH 2018 - Full Set Course Only
    IMSH 2018 Full Conference Online Access Set
    IMSH 2019 Full Conference Online Access Set
    IMSH Deliver Audio Synch All (Comp Webcast Page Testing)
    IMSH Pick 2
    In Situ: Down and Dirty
    Incorporating Creative Pre and Post Simulation Activities into Your Program
    Inflection Points in Professional Development on Our Unusual Paths — How to Do Your Own Needs Assessment in Your Career
    Innovations in Low-Cost Task Trainers and Moulage Design
    Innovations in Simulation Event Participant Tracking: Gathering Metrics In The Digital Age
    In-Person Survey
    Integrating In-Situ Simulation into Quality Imrovement in Healthcare
    Integrating Simulation Into Electronic Healthcare Record Training
    Interactive Q&A Session Content Track Innovation & Technology
    Interactive Q&A Session: Simulation Instruction and Design
    Interactive Q&A Session: Technical Operations
    Keynote Presenation: SOARing: Escape Velocity presented by Dr. Derek Sorensen
    Leading by Doing: Creating an Occupational Therapy Assistant Simulated Fieldwork Course
    Lean Applications for Simulation
    Lessons Learned from Designing and Building a Simulation Center
    Lessons Learned Using Simulation Technology
    Let Your Data Do the Talking: SOS data collection and analysis skills
    Letting the Mannequin Die: Can Learning Occur?
    LifeSavers: An Interprofessional Critical Care Escape Room
    Live: Moulage Mystique
    LIVE: Video 101 for simulation
    Low-Cost High Fidelity Solutions: Abscess Incision and Drainage Trainers for Medical Procedure Lab
    Low-cost In-house Task Trainer For Fiberoptic Intubation In An LMIC
    Making Interprofessional Simulation Education Work
    Making it Count: Using Simulation for Ebola Readiness
    Making Low Cost Suction Task Trainers
    Making your own Ballistic Gelatin
    Mastering Mock Codes: Improving Clinical Response One Unit at a Time
    Materials in Simulation: A Crash Course to Manikin and Innovation Materials
    Maximizing Sims: Video-based Sim Prebriefing
    Medical Terminology 101: How to Speak the Lingo - Sponsored by SOTS
    Midwest Interprofessional Conference & Simulation Summit: Elevating Practice Through Collaboration, Innovation and Simulation
    Necessary or Nice: A Simulation Accreditation Debate
    NLN High Stakes Assessment Project: Final Report
    On the Move: Implementing Mobile Cart Simulations
    Opening Keynote & Planning Team Welcome: A Culture of Excellence - Developing High Performing Individuals and Teams presented by Scott “Intake” Kartvedt
    Operations Specialist and Onward - How Career Paths and Opportunities Have Changed in Recent Years
    Pathways to Success: Advancing Your Simulation Career - Sponsored by SOTS
    Peer Review 101: Becoming a Reviewer of Simulation Content
    Performing a Needs Assessment: It All Starts Here
    Plan, Run, Participate, Observe: Sim Activity Design and Delivery Strategies
    Playing Frankenstein: Make Artificial Tissue Come to Life!
    Power of Data for Operation
    Principles of High Volume Simulation Training in a Statewide Consortium
    Proposal Power: Crafting Compelling Conference Presentations- Sponsored by SOTS
    Raise the Bar! Call it what It Is. Correctly Classifying Simulation Operations Specialists Jobs
    Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice - When and How
    Realism & Fidelity: The 3 Rights
    Realizing the Full Potential of Healthcare Simulation
    Really Listening, Use of Remote Auscultation Devices in Telehealth Simulation
    Re-Inventing Inventory: How You Can Optimize Operations Through Inventory Management
    Replacement Mold for Task Trainer
    Role of Simulation in Systems Analysis
    Seeking Financial Sustainability in Healthcare Simulation
    Sights and Sounds - AV Systems in Action!
    Sim on the Move, Creating a Mobile Simulation Platform
    Sim Tech/Specialist: Where are you and where are you going?
    SimOps 2020 Full Set
    SimOps 2022 Full Set
    SimOps 2022 In-person Attendee Survey
    SimOps 2023 Full Set
    SimOps 2023 In-person Attendee Survey
    SimOps 2023 Virtual Attendee Survey
    SimOps 2024 IPCE Allocations
    SimOps Delivers 2022 Full Set - LiveStream (9)
    SimOps Delivers 2022 Full Set - Virtual (14)
    SimOps Delivers Presenter Q&A Technical Operations & Healthcare Concepts
    Simulation 101- Safe Container for Learning - Sponsored by SOTS
    Simulation Center Management Considerations
    Simulation for Healthcare Education: Boon or Boondoggle?
    Simulation Planning Process: a Path to Successful Facilitation
    Simulation Safety Policies and Procedures
    Simulation Technology: Putting the Pieces Together through Innovation
    SimVentors Showcase 1
    SimVentors Showcase 2
    Simzones as a Framework
    Sit back, Relax, Simulate: Introduction to the Pre-Sim Centering Moment
    SOS Role Development: Generalists or Specialists, Finding the Right Fit
    SOTS Meeting
    SOTS Meeting
    SOTS Meeting
    SSH Accreditation Course - Assessment Course - April 24 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Assessment Course - May 14 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Assessment Course Cohort 3 - October 15 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Cohort 1 Core Course - February 28 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Cohort 3 Assessment Course - November 13 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Cohort 7 Core Course - November 27 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core - Cohort 4 - August 27 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core - Cohort 4 - June 26 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 1 Course - April 29 2023
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 1 Course - Mar 6 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 2 Course - Apr 10 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 2 Course - Apr 30 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 2 Course - July 25 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 3 Course - July 2 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 3 Course - May 4 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 5 Aug 28 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Cohort 6 Course - Oct 30 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Course Cohort 4 - October 28, 2023
    SSH Accreditation Course - Core Course Cohort 5 - October 29 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - March 6, 2020 - Online Course
    SSH Accreditation Course - Systems Integration - Cohort 1 - June 19 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching & Education - Cohort 3 - May 29 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Course Cohort 4 - December 2 2023
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Course Cohort 5 - November 26 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Cohort 1 Course - Apr 10 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Cohort 1 Course - Mar 29 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Cohort 2 Course - May 4 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Cohort 4 Course - October 2 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Cohort 7 Aug 28 2020
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Course - July 30 2021
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Course Cohort 1 - June 3 2023
    SSH Accreditation Course - Teaching/Education Course Cohort 2 - July 9 2023
    SSH Accreditation Webinar Series
    SSH All Courses - COMP Item
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 14 Evaluation Nov 21 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 2 Evaluation - June 27 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 3 Evaluation - June 27 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 4 Evaluation - June 27 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 5 Evaluation - September 5 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 7 Evaluation - Oct 24 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 7 Evaluation Dec 13 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 8 Evaluation Dec 13 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Course Material
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Eval March 5 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Apl 22
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - April 15, 2023 - Online Course Cohort #1
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - April 18 2024 - Montgomery College
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - April 24 2022 Cohort 2 - Online
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - April 26 2022 - Virtual, Toronto, Canada
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - April 26 2024 - Montgomery College
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - April 3-4, 2023 - University of Central Florida
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Aug 19 2023 - Online Course Cohort #6
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Aug 4
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - August 11 2023 - University of Alabama Birmingham
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - August 6 2024 - SimGHOSTS, Indianapolis, IN
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Dec 12 2021 Cohort 9 - Online
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Dec 17 2021 - Virtual Los Angeles, CA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - December 1 2023 - University of Alabama Birmingham
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - December 14-15 2022 - AHEC Charlotte, NC
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - December 20 2023 - Connor's State College
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - December 4 2022 - Cohort 9
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - December 9 & 10 2021 - Charlotte AHEC, Charlotte, North Carolina
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - February 16
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - February 9, 2023 - Liberty Township, OH
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Jan 15 2022 - LA, CA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - January 13
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - January 13 2024 - Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - January 20 2024 - San Diego, CA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - January 7, 2023 - Virtual, IMSH 2023 Group 1
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - January 7, 2023 - Virtual, IMSH 2023 Group 2
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Jul 29
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - July 1 2023 - Online Course Cohort #4
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - July 19 2024 - UAB, Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - July 26
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 10 2023 - Cohort 5
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 12 2024 - INACSL 2024, Raleigh, NC
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 14 2023 - INACSL, Providence, RI
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 15 2022 - Milwaukee, WI
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 16 2022 - University of Louisiana
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 17 2024 - U of L at Lafayette, Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 18 2024 - Monroe CC, Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 2 2023 - U of Pitt
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 24
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 26 2022 - Cohort 4
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 3 2023 - Cohort 2
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - June 6 2024 - CSA, Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Mar 19, 2022 - Virtual, Orlando, FL
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Mar 31, 2022 - Los Angeles, CA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Mar 4, 2022 - NH, CN
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - March 24, 2023 - University of Alabama Birmingham
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - March 30, 2023 - California Simulation Alliance
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - March 4-5 2024 - University of Central Florida
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 1 2022 Cohort 1 - Online
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 13, 2023 - Online Course Cohort #1
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 13, 2023 - Online Course Cohort #3
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 15 2022 - Online
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 17 2024 - CSA, Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 18, 2023 - Cedars-Sinai
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 2 & 3 2024 - Charlotte, NC, Virtual
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - May 6
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Nov 18
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Nov 21 2021 Cohort 8 - Online
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - November 1 2022 - Los Angeles, CA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - November 16-17 2023 - University of Central Florida
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - November 18 2023 - Online Course Cohort #9
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Oct 13
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Oct 29
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Oct 30 2021 - UCF Orlando, FL
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - October 14 2023 - Carilion Clinic – Roanoke, VA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - October 22, 2022_UCF
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - October 27 2023 - Virtual, CSA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - October 4 2022 - Cohort 7
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Sep 9 - Elizabeth Horsley
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - Sep 9 - Melinda Armstrong
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - September 12 2022 - Morgantown, WV
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - September 16 2024 - WVU, Morgantown, WV
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - September 20 2023 - West Virginia University
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - September 22 2022 - USA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - September 30 2023 - Online Course Cohort #7
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation - September 9 2023 - Online Course Cohort #8
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation (Cohort 6) September 26 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation (WVU) September 13 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation April 3 – April 24, 2022 Cohort2
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Aug 12 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Aug 19 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Aug 19 2020 Canada
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation August 7 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Cohort 13 Sept 26 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Cohort 4 Sept 6 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Cohort 5 Sept 6 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Cohort5 Jul 10 - 31, 2022
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 11 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 15 2019 Cohort 7
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 15 2019 Cohort 8
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 16 2018
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 16 2018
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 17 2020 LA
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Dec 7 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jan 18 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jan 23 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jan 26 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jul 26 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jul 30 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation July 17 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation July 20, 2022
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jun 7 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Jun-30-19
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation May 2 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation May 23 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Nov 13 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Nov 14 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Nov 16 2018
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Nov 29 2018
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Nov 30 2018
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Nov 8 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Oct 25 2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Oct 27 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Oct-12-18
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation Oct-28-18
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation September 4 2022 - Cohort 6
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation September 8 2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation September 8 2019 Cohort 5
    SSH CHSE Review Course - Evaluation -SSH CHSE Review Course - Cohort 8, Sept 18 - Oct 23, 2022
    SSH CHSE Review Course - SimOps Evaluation - July 14 2021
    SSH CHSE Review Course - U of Pitt Eval Sept 8, 2023
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 1) Eval May 3,2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 1) Evalation May 5,2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 10) Eval May 3,2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 11) Eval June 21,2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 2) Eval May 3,2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 2) Evalation May 5,2019
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 3) Eval June 21,2020
    SSH CHSE Review Course (Cohort 9) Eval Apr 19,2020
    SSH CHSOS Review - Eval July 20, 2022 Erlanger, KY
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Cohort 1 Evaluation - May 2 2021
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Cohort 2 Evaluation - May 30 2021
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Cohort 3 Evaluation - September 5 2021
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Cohort 4 Evaluation - Oct 24 2021
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Cohort 5 Evaluation Dec 13 2020
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Course Material
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Apl 22
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - April 27 2022 - Virtual, Toronto, Canada
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Aug 4
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - August 1 2023 - SimGHOSTS
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Dec 12 2021 Cohort 5 - Online
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - December 4 2022 - Cohort 7
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Jan 15 2022 - LA, CA
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - January 11 & 12 2024 - Virtual
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - January 12-13, 2023 - Virtual, IMSH
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - January 13
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - January 20 2024 - San Diego, CA
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - July 26
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - July 29
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - July 31
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - June 10 2023 - Cohort 3
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - June 14
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - June 17
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - June 21 2022 - University of Louisiana
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - June 26 2022 - Cohort 2
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - June 3 2023 - Cohort 2
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - May 1 2022 Cohort 1 - Online
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - May 6
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - November 11 2023 - Online Course Cohort #7
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Oct 12
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Oct 29
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - Sep 2
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation - September 23 2023 - Online Course Cohort 6
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Aug 19 2020 Canada
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation August 6 2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Cohort 3 Sept 6 2020
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Dec 15 2019 Cohort 5
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Dec 9 2018
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Jan 18 2020
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Jan 26 2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation July 17 2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation July 30 2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Jun-30-19
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation May 2 2021
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Oct 16 2020
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Oct 27 2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation Oct-28-18
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation September 4 2022 - Cohort 4
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - Evaluation September 8 2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course - SimOps Evaluation - July 14 2021
    SSH CHSOS Review Course (Cohort 1) Eval May 3,2020
    SSH CHSOS Review Course (Cohort 1) Evalation May 5,2019
    SSH CHSOS Review Course (Cohort 2) Eval June 21,2020
    SSH Presents: Defining an Occupation – Establishing the Professional Identity of the Simulation Operations Specialist
    SSH SimSeries Webinars Audio Synch Free Package
    SSH Webinar Series - Faculty Development Course Comp
    Standardized Patient Hiring and Training: Operations Oriented Processes
    Start to Finish: Operationalizing Inventory Management and Session Cost Analysis into One Workflow
    Summative Simulation - How to Implement Scoring and Grading Using SimDesigner Software
    Survey Mastery, Optimizing Data Collection for Enhanced Operational Efficiency in Healthcare Simulation
    Team Training and Simulation Combo to Reinforce Communication
    Technology Team at the Table: A Template for Standardized Immersive Simulation Planning
    Tell Me a Story: The Power of Storytelling for Advocacy in Healthcare Simulation
    The ABC's of VR/AR Implementation in your Simulation Center
    The Essentials of Debriefing
    The Great Escape!
    The Impact of Learning in a Simulated Environment on Clinical Performance
    The Nuts and Bolts of Starting a Mobile Simulation Unit
    The Right Technology for the Job
    The Six Steps in Simulation-based Curriculum Development: Needs Assessment
    The Six Steps: Implementation - Beginning with the End in Mind
    The Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Accreditation!
    Time is Up: Documenting SOS Production vs Admin Time
    Time out! Should You Ever Stop a Simulation?
    Tools for Assessment in Surgical Simulation
    Top 5 Topics in Simulation: Utstein Report
    Translational Outcomes of Simulation: Evidence of Improved Patient Care
    Troubleshoot This! Effective Troubleshooting Methods for Simulation Operators
    Understanding A/V: Become a Troubleshooting Wizard
    Upcycle Equipment: A Cost-Effective Way to Breathe New Life into Simulation Training
    Update on Assessment Methodologies for the Evaluation of Simulation
    Using Telepresence Robots to Provide Simulation-based Learning Experiences during the Pandemic and Beyond
    Using Telepresence Robots to Provide Simulation-based Learning Experiences during the Pandemic and Beyond
    Using/Coding Single Board Computers and Microcontrollers to Overcome Simulation Challenges
    Utilizing a Checklist to Help Guide a Course Debrief Following a Simulation Activity
    Value-based Simulation Will Be Critical in the Affordable Care Era
    What is That Used For: Clinical Equipment Overview for the SOS
    When and How: Quantitative and Qualitative Simulation-based Research
    Wireless Audio in Sim Control Rooms
    Women in Leadership Virtual Meeting
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9/30 - Leveraging In Situ Simulation for Emergency Medical Services
9/23 - The Pursuit of Excellence; SSH Accreditation, Understanding the Process
9/16 - Decoding the Position of a Simulation Operations Professional, A Panel Discussion Presented by SOTS
9/9 - Virtual Reality in Action: Advancing Healthcare Education and Innovative Learning
8/26 - Using Neurographica for Simulation: Prebrief and Debrief Techniques
8/19 - Evaluating Simulation Operations, Presented by SOTS
SSH SimSeries: The Priority of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare Simulation
7/29 - Introduction to the New to Simulation Affinity Group
Survey Mastery, Optimizing Data Collection for Enhanced Operational Efficiency in Healthcare Simulation
7/15 - Enhancing Health Communication Through More Effective Safety Negotiations
7/1 - Use of Simulation for Pre-Implementation Process Design and Safety Evaluation of a New Clinical Care Model - ...
6/24 - Simulation: An Introduction into Motivating Designs
6/10 - Innovations in Anatomical Modeling: From Medical Imaging to 3D Printing- Sponsored by SOTS
Midwest Interprofessional Conference & Simulation Summit: Elevating Practice Through Collaboration, Innovation and ...
5/13 - #SimProfessional Panel: Unlocking Professional Growth for Simulation Operations and Technology Professionals- ...
4/29 - Building on a Budget: Creating Effective Low-Cost Task Trainers
4/22 - Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes of Effective Simulation Instructors
4/15 - Beyond In-person Prebriefing: Using Engaging Technologies to Enhance Pre-simulation Preparation for ...
3/25 - A Review of the Association Between Simulation Design and Cognitive Load in Novice Healthcare Professionals: Key ...
3/18 - Leveraging Simulation-Primed Inquiry for Socially Situated Research:Insights from an Innovation Research Program
3/11 - Operating Room Communication: Using Simulation to Improve Performance
3/4 - Eureka! Securing a Patent for Your Invention- Sponsored by SOTS
12/11- Building an Effective Simulation Technician Training Program - SimSeries Webinar Sponsored by SOTS
11/27- Measure What Matters — An Overview of Simulation Program Capacity based on Effort
11/14- Simulation Operations for Anesthesia - Educational and Operational Best Practices- SimSeries Webinar Sponsored ...
10/30- Neurographica and its Potential in Simulation
10/23- Pick the Right Tech for the Task: Introducing the TIMMI- Sponsored by the SSH Technology Committee
10/9 - Upcycle Equipment: A Cost-Effective Way to Breathe New Life into Simulation Training — Sponsored by SOTS
10/16- The Power of Data for Operations and Leadership
10/2 - The Efficacy of Prebriefing in Simulation
9/25 - Development and Implementation of a Mobile Simulation Program — Sponsored by the SSH Directors Section
9/18 - Control Room Champions: A Guide to Managing Difficult Conversations for Simulation Operation Specialists - ...
9/11 - Optimizing Systems and Processes through Healthcare Simulation Models: A Panel Discussion
8/28 - Design and Implementation of a Tabletop Simulation addressing Stigma and Opioid Use
8/21 - Maintaining Peak Performance the Art of Simulation Center Equipment Maintenance - Sponsored by SOTS
8/14 - Effective Strategies for Convincing your Manager to Fund Repairs for your Patient Simulator Manikins
6/12 - Mentorship Opportunities for Simulation Operations Professionals
5/22 - How to Successfully Submit your Next Big Idea, Completed Research Study, or FIRES Manuscript
5/18 - OSCEs in APP Education: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
5/8 - Effectiveness of Simulation Versus Didactic Video-Based Learning to Teach Advanced Lung Isolation Techniques
Time Well Spent: Employing Data on How SOS Spend Work Time
4/3 - Setup 101: Creating Visual 'Quick Start Guides'
3/20 - Centered Simulations: Finding the Balance between Dazzling Technology, Fidelity, Cost and Practicality
3/13 - Rewiring Your Control: A Technical Look at Control Rooms
2/13 - Preparing Successful Presentations: A Guide for Operations Specialists
9/19 - What's Next After Accreditation
9/12 - #MoreThanJustASimTech Leveraging Experience and Expertise for Excellence in Simulation Operations and Technology ...
8/29 - Reproductive Justice Simulation: Exploring Implicit Bias and Perinatal Health Outcomes
8/22 - Central Line Course Creation Using a Needs Assessment Framework
8/8 - Enhance Your Resume and CV - A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part II - Presented by the SOTS ...
Improve Debriefing Skills Through Peer Observation and Feedback
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - August 2022 Cohort
Low-Cost High Fidelity Solutions: Abscess Incision and Drainage Trainers for Medical Procedure Lab
Using Telepresence Robots to Provide Simulation-based Learning Experiences during the Pandemic and Beyond
Making your own Ballistic Gelatin
Replacement Mold for Task Trainer
Building a Trach Vest on the Cheap
Brief Introduction to Mindfulness in Simulation
Creating Sim-Portant Conversations at SDState
Design and Benefit of a Return on Investment Journey
Complexities of Scheduling: How to Fit All the Puzzle Pieces Together
Power of Data for Operation
Lessons Learned from Designing and Building a Simulation Center
Let Your Data Do the Talking: SOS data collection and analysis skills
Help Me, to Help You: The Psychology of Persuasion: 6 Principles of Influence to Improve Interpersonal Relations
What is That Used For: Clinical Equipment Overview for the SOS
The Right Technology for the Job
I'm Clear! You're Clear! Everyone is Clear for Cardiac Electrical Therapy
In Situ: Down and Dirty
Lessons Learned Using Simulation Technology
Realism & Fidelity: The 3 Rights
SOTS Meeting
The ABC's of VR/AR Implementation in your Simulation Center
Time is Up: Documenting SOS Production vs Admin Time
Realizing the Full Potential of Healthcare Simulation
Different Approaches to the Management of Sim Programs
6/20 - Mitigating Micro-Aggressive Attitude and Behavior in the Interprofessional Environment
6/20 - Alternative Methods of Teaching
6/13 - The WHY Behind Clinically Accurate Simulation Setup and How to Accomplish It with common Lines, Tubes, and Vital ...
Women in Leadership Virtual Meeting
5/23 - Use of Haptics in Virtual Reality, a Virtual Panel Discussion - Webinar Presented by the SGVE Section
5/16 - Does My Personal Protective Equipment Really Work? A Simulation-Based Approach
5/9 - Troubleshoot This! Effective Troubleshooting Methods for Simulation Operators-Webinar Presented by the SOTS ...
5/2 - Silver Lining of the Pandemic - Adapting Pediatric Simulation to the COVID Era
4/25 - Can Simulation Be Used To Reduce Burnout? An Exploratory Workshop
4/18 - Re-Design: Ensuring Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Your Simulation Scenarios
4/11 - Preparing Successful Presentations A Guide for Operations Specialists - Presented by the SOTS Section
4/4 - Simulation-Based Teaching to Improve Care for Transgender Patients
3/29 - Using Simulation to Safely Provide Care During a Pandemic
3/21 - Create a Custom Mobile App for Your Center with No-code
3/14 - Simulation Medical Concepts Made Easy, A Jeopardy Game - Presented by the SOTS Section
3/7 - Advancing New Construction Environmental and Patient Safety Through Systems-Focused Testing
2/28 - Circle Up: Transformative Learning and Support Routines for Everyday Teams
#MoreThanJustASimTech Panel - Presented by the SOTS Section
12/9 - Enhance Your Resume and CV: A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part II
12/6 - 3D Printing and its Impact in Medical Simulation
11/8 - Enhance Your Resume and CV- A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part I
10/25 - Extended Reality —The Evolution of Anesthesia Training
9/27 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum COVID Vaccine Requirements in Clinical Placements
9/13 - Blaze Your Own Trail: How to Develop in Healthcare Operations
8/31 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 COVID Vaccine Requirements in Clinical ...
6/28 - Virtual Team Huddles for Within-Scenario Debriefing-Purposefully Guiding the Nursing Process
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop
5/12 - Psychological and Educational Effect of Simulated Patient Death on Learners — Presented by the Anesthesiology ...
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - February 2022 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - March 2022 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - April 2022 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - September 2022 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - October 2022 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - September 2023 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - October 2023 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - March 2024 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - April 2024 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - May 2024 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - August 2024 Cohort
Standards, Core Competencies and Best Practices in Healthcare Simulation Workshop - September 2024 Cohort
5/10 - Preparing Successful Presentations: A Guide for Operations Specialists — Presented by the SOTS Section
4/19 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 - Panel on XR Simulation The Current ...
4/26 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 - Characteristics of Distance Healthcare ...
4/12 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum SOTS Open Forum Making a Contribution to the Research Team as a Novice ...
4/5 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Distanced Training in Procedural Skills ...
Optimizing Healthcare Provider Performance through Mental Skills Training
Using the Operations Standard to Guide the "New Normal"
Sim Hacks!!
Making Low Cost Task Trainers
Staffing Capacity Analysis: Protect Your Team, Grow Your Center!
Debriefing Interprofessional Simulations in a Virtual Environment
Workshop for Peer Reviewers: Simulation in Healthcare
ADDIE and the Curriculum Design Process: A Panel Discussion
Capacity Analysis: Using a Simple Metric to Tell Your Story
Teaching with VR and AR
Operations Program Management: Stepping Out from Behind the Mirror
Web-Based Simulation vs. Manikin-Based Simulation. A Pilot Study
Creating Virtual Escape Room Simulation: Nursing Student Poverty Experience
Learning 4.0: Easy to Use Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Katie Walker, MBA, RN and Jenny Rudolph, PhD
3D Printing: Innovation and Design in Healthcare Simulation
COVID-19: Rapid Deployment of In Situ Simulation for Caregiver Safety
Recipe for Success: Building a Robust Mock Code Training Program
What I Would Really Like to Do is Direct!
Tag Team Sim in a PreMed Bootcamp
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Janice Palaganas, PhD, APRN, ANEF, FAAN, FSSH
NP Program Simulation Use: Opportunities and Capacity Building
Lessons from the COVID-19 Epicenter: Opportunities and Challenges
Opioid Stewardship: Integrating Simulation-Based Training with Operational Solutions
Gathering Validity Evidence for Simulation-Based Assessments
SimulationSpotlight: Illuminating You and Your Simulation Center through Social Media
Journey of Expansion: Designing a New "to you" Simulation Space
Help Learners Succeed: How to Identify Instructional Gaps
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Paul Uhlig, MD, MPA
Plan for Success: Simulation Program Development and Sustainability
Operations Workshop on High Fidelity Ventilation Simulator Setup and Use
Speed Mentoring: A Networking Event with Leaders in Healthcare Simulation
Validity of Assessment: Conceptual Framework and Evidence in Simulation Education
Setup 101: Creating Visual 'Quick Start Guides'
Research Speed Mentoring Event
Research Operations M&M: Things Not to Take for Grant (ed)
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Gabriel Reedy, PhD, CPsychol
Cognition: Engagement to Expertise
How to Develop an Effective Low-cost Just-In-Time Online Training
Implementation of an Interprofessional Faculty Development Program in Simulation
SIMPLIFIED GUIDE for Designing Your Simulation Research Study
Think Like an Actor, Act Like an Educator
Reflection on Reflection: Improving Feedback & Debriefing Skills
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Mary Patterson, MD, MEd, FAAP, CPhys, FSSH
Accessible VR Design: Creating Immersive Educational Content With 360-Degree Video
Not Just for COVID-19: Go Beyond with SimLEARN Virtual Academy
Scholarly Distribution of Simulation Content
Managing Psychological Safety in Multi-Cultural Educational Settings
Budget Friendly Moulage: Low-cost Alternatives to Increase Realism
Modeling and Simulation for Patient Safety: COVID-19 Case Example
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Jenny Rudolph, PhD
Bring Patients to Life Start a Standardized Patient Program
Collaborating with Older Standardized Patients )SPs) in Simulation-based Learning
Resident Milestone Assessment: Evaluating Trainees Using Simulation Made Simple
What Will It Take to Improve Patient Safety?
Should Healthcare Follow Aviation and Require Scheduled Periodic Testing?
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Christine Park, MD, FSSH
Checklist Approach to Simulation Problem Solving: Anticipate, Act, Amend
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) in Simulation during COVID-19
Bringing Sim to Life Lecture, featuring Paul Phrampus, MD, FACEP, FSSH. Simulation: A Critical Infrastructure for ...
11/30 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Jumpstart your VR program
11/23 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 What's Surface Tension Got to Do With ...
11/2 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Virtual Healthcare Experience A Way to ...
10/12 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 SOTS OPEN FORUM
10/5 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Thinking Outside Simulation Labs and ...
9/28 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 How we used Zoom for Standardized ...
9/21 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
9/14 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 SOTS Open Forum and Deconstructing "d"- ...
8/31 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19  Re-think, Reuse, & Re-purpose: Turn ...
8/24 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 -  Reimagining Simulation In the Age of ...
8/10 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19- SOTS Open Forum
8/3 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 - Teach Clinical Deterioration Response ...
7/20 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19
7/13 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19
6/25 - SSH Webinar Series: SOTS Covid-19 Round Table
6/15 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 Teaching Skills to Medical Students on ...
6/11 - SSH Webinar Series: SOTS Covid-19 Round Table
6/11 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 Skills Training Retooled Guidelines for Training Learners at Home
6/8 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 From the University of Minnesota ...
6/3 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 Safely Moving a Simulation Center during Covid-19
6/1 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
6/1 - SSH SimSeries: SimOps Video Production Basics for Simulation COVID-19 and Beyond
5/28 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 The Use of Simulation to Develop and Test an Open Source ...
5/28 - SSH SimSeries SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
5/27 - SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 Keep Moving Your Scholarship Forward - An SSH Research Guide
5/21 - SSH SimSeries: Rapid Prototyping Procedures and Practice with Simulation Lessons Learned Preparing for COVID 19
5/21 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
5/11 - SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
5/18 - SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19
5/14 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
5/14 — SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: In-Situ COVID-19 Simulation: Operational Considerations, just-in-time videos, and Code ...
5/13 - SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Clinical Debriefing in the Age of COVID-19
5/12 - SSH SimSeries COVID-19 Opening Up and Returning Safely, A Three-Step Approach
SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Simulation Vignettes Enhancing Critical Thinking in a Virtual Environment
5/7 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Considerations for Evaluation in Simulation-based Learning
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: The Unlikely Story of Two Teams Merging while Onboarding a New Executive Director on Friday ...
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Remote/Distance/Virtual Simulation Keeping your EMS Education Program Going
4/30 - SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting in Simulation
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 The Use of Simulation to Prepare and Improve Responses to Infectious Disease Outbreaks like ...
SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum Remote Sims Share your Successes and Challenges thus Far
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 MORE Ideas and Resources for PPE Provider Training
SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Presented by the SOTS Section
SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Applications of Briefing and Debriefing to Workflow Adaptation and Psychological Support for ...
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Transition and Management of Sim Center Staff to Work from Home and or Limited Onsite Support
SSH SimSeries: COVID-19 Monday Open Forum Considerations for Converting Simulation Space to Clinical Space
SSH SimSeries: SimOps: IMSH Prep for the SOS Webinar Presented by the SOTS Section
SSH SimSeries: Covid-19 Creating, Managing and Cultivating Your Simulation Team in Virtual Space